48: Locker Present (2012)

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3rd Person POV


The chilly December air nipped at Jungkook's heels as the boy ran up the 4 steps leading to the front door of his school building. His coat was open, flapping behind him, his tie was askew and his hair hadn't been combed for the last 2 days, which is less noticeable now that "messy" is the new hair trend.

"Late, Mr Jeon. This is the third time this semester. Do try and not make this a habit."

Jungkook thanked the hall monitor profusely and ran past the elderly lady, heading up the twisting stairs. He mustn't be more than 5 minutes late, or his homeroom teacher would skin him alive. No time to put his stuff in his locker.

Slipping into his seat, he quickly stuffed his coat into his bag, ignoring the bulging object in favor of taking out his textbook. His panting breaths felt especially loud in the quiet of the room. Nonetheless, no one said anything. Next to him, Aera shifted uncomfortably, giving Jungkook the side-eye.

"Late again?" she whispered.

Jungkook controlled the urge to look at her, staring straight ahead and barely moving his lips as he answered. "Overslept."


"Taehyung thought I woke up too early so he turned my alarm off. Very funny the first time, but not anymore."

Aera still had the grace to snort, looking down immediately when their teacher looked up. "Talking, Jeon?"

"No ma'am." He gave her his brightest smile, and she melted, like most people did, before turning away to grade their homework.

"Jeon? Where is your report?" She snapped her fingers loudly, and Jungkook jumped. Report... good question. Where was his report?

"I'll get it from my locker, ma'am."

"Oh, don't bother now, the due date's next week. You usually have it early, though."

And that was why, until lunch, Jungkook managed to avoid his locker.


Yoongi's class was normal, save for the curious glance Yoongi threw him right when he walked in. Seeming satisfied with something, the rapper nodded to himself, before checking the time.

"Your stuff should be in your locker, Jeon."

Jungkook forced the deep voice not to turn him on. "Sorry sir, I was late today and didn't have the opportunity."

"Go do it now, before the mass gets here."

Obediently, Jungkook got up, got his bag, and walked out the door, heading down the hallway, to the left, and past the main lobby. The yellow walls were peeling paint, and the lockers were old and beat up, dirty with tons of graffiti.

Not Jungkook's though. Which made it interesting.

At the beginning of the year, he cleaned his locker, scrubbing off the offending slurs. Then, after his break-up, new art appeared. "Gay", "Slut", "Cocksleeve", "Cumbucket", and any other variation you please. Jungkook mostly ignored the words, sticking some post-its over them.

Now, the post-its were gone, as were the words. The locker stood there, clean and looking nearly new, silver paint shining. Only one piece of paper stuck to the door.

Merry Christmas

With a fond smile, Jungkook pocketed the note, opening the locker to deposit his stuff. To his surprise, the inside was cleaned, too. The textbooks stacked up, his spare bag hung up on the no-longer-falling-off hook, and at the very bottom stood a gold box.

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