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JUNGKOOK'S POV1 (THE PRESENT - August of 2017)

I look up at Jimin. He only knows that I nearly got raped that night. But since I'm telling him everything, I might as well mention the rest.

"I told Yoongi that I liked him that night."

He surprises me by answering. "I know. Sixth sense, remember?"  He taps the side of his head and winks. "What happened after? Wasn't he going to be a student-sub at your school?"

I nod. "Post grad substitute."

"And Aera? Aera as in a small, cute lesbian girl with a loud laugh that hangs out with Ji-woo?"

"Yeah. She mentioned you."

 Jimin looks deep in thought. Then, he nods, deciding something internally.

"So. After?"

I take a deep breath and think.



Back up to my room, I took out a purse I had taken from Jimin's side of the closet, and put in my wallet and phone. On second thought I took the baggie of 'toys' with me. You never know with Yoongi.

The streets are dirty on this side of town. After living for so long in luxury, the poorness of the bad side of Seoul catches me by surprise. I blink, unused to being this lost  and disoriented. How am I going to find Yoongi here? Seoul's huge! He cold be literally anywhere. I am spared from making a decision when someone suddenly grabs my waist.

"Lost, babygurl?" A voice rasps in my ear, and I nearly gag from the amount of liquor on the guy's breath. I turn around. He is in his 30's, and obviously drunk, maybe even stoned. I'd hate to think of him coming home to whatever family he has, in this state. However, he might know someone who knows Yoongi.

"Looking for someone." I ponder on the best way to phrase my question.

"Well, come to the right place. It ain't safe for a cutie like you to be out on the streets. Especially tonight." I ignore the 'cutie' , and instead wonder what could be so special about today. Asking won' hurt, right?

"What's so bad about today?"

 He laughs. A great, rumbling noise that seems to come straight from his belly. Not that he's fat. A life of alcohol and drugs won't let you eat, and the few calories that you manage to eat will be thrown up on your next low.

"You haven't heard? Gloss is back. And of all the places, he chose to go have a drink at his ex's favorite hangout. Between you and me, sweetie, I think Gloss has lost it. He hasn't been back for about a year, and he actually seemed to care about something. He's not the same guy he was." And thank god for that. At least he is somewhere on the guy's radar, and hasn't dropped off completely off the face of the Earth.

"Gloss? What kind of a guy is named Gloss?" I try.

"One who knows everyone is too scared to make fun of it."

Sounds like Yoongi. "Can I see?"

The guy's eyebrows furrow. "I don't like shari--"

He is cut off by another voice. "Who you got there?"

Another guy is walking towards us. The universe must really hate me.

One look at me, and the new arrival is dragging me to a gay bar, sweet talking in my ear. 

When we get there, I nearly scream at the sight. It's so familiar, it hurts. Yoongi is sitting in a corner, in his street clothes. In his hand is a drink, but it's untouched. Around him are drunk fuck-boys, whistling at every bottom who goes by. Yoongi is tracing patterns in the wood table, looking every bit the mafia boss everyone makes him out to be. He'd make  a good boss if he wanted to. These guys would follow his lead anywhere. The fact that they are already surrounding him after he arrived for the first time in a year, shows that. Yet there's a part to Yoongi that no one here has ever seen. He's the guy that gets embarrassed when we call him cute. He's the guy who tucks us in when we fall asleep on the couch. He's the one that supports us through whatever phase we are going through. And what chills me is that that guy is gone. Not a trace of him remains in this persona. Gloss couldn't be further from the Yoongi I know.

It takes an hour for him to notice me. The whole time I flirt with the guys there, while keeping an eye on him. His eyes scan the room, bored, when they see me. They pass over me, uninterested, until something clicks in his brain, and he looks at me again. There is a dim flicker of recognition, and then worry, before it is gone, and replaced with recklessness. Our eyes meet. Should Jungkook see him now. He'd cry. Even I can barely believe that this version of Yoongi is back. He used to be like this. We thought that was over. Apparently it's back. I take a sip of my drink as I watch Yoongi lean over to the guy closest to him. He whispers something, not taking his eyes off of me, and the guy nods, then disappears to do whatever Yoongi just told him to. Seconds later I am approached by the same guy.

"Hey girlie. I'm afraid you're coming with me." YOONGI! What did you tell him?!

The guy takes me by the arm, and leads me towards the back of the bar. I feel a set of cold eyes on my back. We go up the creaky wooden stairs, and down a hallway, which leads to dozens of rooms. The hook-up rooms. Here for one-night stands between drunk customers. The guy takes a key out and opens one of them. Surprisingly, it is furnished, unlike the other ones. It has an old look to it, like something that used to be lived in, but hasn't been touched for a while. There is a music player in the corner, a couple of speakers. A king sized bed in the middle of the room, its backboard against the far wall. There's even a bookshelf filled with CD's and books, as well as a dresser. I notice that the drawers are locked. The guy leaves me in the room, locking the door behind him. Now what?

My question is answered when the door is opened a minute later, and Yoongi stands in the doorway.

"You got 5 minutes, " he says, striding across the room after closing the door, "to tell me why you came here." His voice carried the words, and the tone told me the unsaid ones. "Before I kick you out."

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