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A sudden turn slammed me back into the seat. We had stopped, and by the light of a street lamp, I could see that we were in the parking lot of some store. Yoongi took his arm away fro my shoulders, and killed the engine, turning to me.

"Now, tell me who those jerks were, and why you were getting ready to be raped by some guys when I walked in." He runs a hand through his hair. "For god's sake, Jungkook! You take taekwondo for a reason!"


I take a deep breath. This was not something I'd expected to be brought up. How much do I tell him

"Everything." Yoongi answers my thoughts effortlessly. The guy is better at reading people than he lets on. I decide that telling him won't hurt me anymore than keeping it secret.

"Sung-min is a guy my ex cheated on me with."

"Your ex?"

 Shit. "Yeah. Ji-woo."

He nods, but his face is way to expressionless. He turns away a bit, a shadow obscuring any last shred of emotion I could've seen.

"The two others were Chin-hwa and Kung-min."

Yoongi reacts to the last name, giving a little start. "The fucked up punk who ran first was KUNG-MIN?" Does he know him? I confirm his statement and he murmurs "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."

"And any particular reason they tried to commit a capital offense against you? Or am I to understand that they decided that for no reason?"

"They weren't going to before. They were just going to beat me up because I told half the school that Ji-woo was a cheater."

 Yoongi patiently waits for me to answer the question I've been trying so hard to escape.

"They tried raping me because they think I'm gay." I hold my breath.

"And you?" What? What about me. I tear my gaze away from the dashboard where I've been avoiding looking at him, and throw him a confused look.

"What about me?"

"Are you."AM I WHAT?

He sighs, and looks at me. "Gay, Kookie. Are you gay?"

The question is one I've been asking myself for the last couple of weeks. Am I gay? I don't feel any different. I am still myself. And if I was gay, wouldn't have I lost my virginity to a guy, not Ji-woo? Did Ji-woo turn me gay? Is that even possible?

"If you asked me a month ago.." I leave the sentence hanging, and he seems to get it.

"Tell me about it."

"What?" Was he even the same person? The Yoongi I knew didn't spare me a second glance.

"Tell me about it. I've helped people figure things out before. We have plenty of time; I told Tae we were going to the shop on the other side of the city. He doesn't know that this little one has all the same things, but even cheaper. So tell me about it. Sometimes, saying it out loud will help. And besides; I'm bored." The last sentence was said with half a grin; the same reckless grin I usually saw on his face when he chose to smile. Why not... talking it out with the very same person that made me question my sexuality in the first place.

"Start with when it started."

"About a month ago." Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

"Know who caused it?" No, it wasn't going to be that bad. It was going to be insanely worse. I snuck a peek at Yoongi again. Was he doing this on purpose, to embarrass me? But no, he seemed bored enough, staring out the window.

My lack of reply made him turn his head. "Jungkook?" I hated when he called me Kookie; it sent butterflies down to my stomach, but I hated when he called me Jungkook even worse. Jungkook was what strangers would call me.And I didn't want him to be a stranger.

Yoongi cocked his head. "Ooh! Do I get to guess?" An evil grin spread across his face. NO!

"Is it..... Sung-min? Because that would be something straight out of a K-Drama." I shake my head in horror. "Hmm. Not Chin-hwa, I hope? No? OK.... Why the blush, Kookie? Is it one of the guys?" I blush harder. "Awwww, it is! Your blush is adorable."

Now, I don't know if you ever had your crush try guessing who you like, while you were, at the same time, questioning you sexuality because of the same crush, but that was a summary of my situation. And I was terrified for no reason. I was scared shit-less that Yoongi would find out, and that he would hate me, or laugh, or, worse, be disgusted that I liked him. I was scared because he was experienced, and was the kind of guy who could pick and choose, both among guys and girls. I, on the other hand, had absolutely no experience, and was still in high school. I would curl up and die on these leather seats if he found out.

"Tae?" He guessed.

"Eww, no. He's my best friend." I didn't know why everyone always assumed that. "Besides, he's with you."

"Me, and half the city. I am in an open relationship with him and everyone else I date. he happens to be more open than most." Oh. That was just as discouraging as it was encouraging.

"Oh. Still no."



"Good, ChimChim is a bottom. I'd bet money that you would be, too." He said this with one of his infamous smirks. He studied me more closely. It was as if he enjoyed seeing me smirk.

The build-up from a day of pressure finally broke on me. I could feel tears building up in my face, and it was all that I could do to keep from crying. Why? I honestly am not exaggerating when I say that I have been through too much for one day.

"Hoseok?" I shake my head, and then turn away, feeling a tear escape as he narrowed down the field of possibilities.

"Not Namjoon!"

"N-no." My darn voice had to crack. Immediately I felt his hand on my chin, gently but firmly turning my head towards him. His dark eyes were searching my face.



"Then who..?" How was he still confused? I would have thought he'd guessed it by now, and would be teasing me, or dragging me wordlessly to the store, a black mood replacing his good humor. Yet here he was, sitting, looking at me confused.

"You. You, Yoongi." It dawned on him at the same time I said it. The look on his face was enough to make me cry. It wasn't disgust, or hatred, or anything I could put a name on. But if he would have said something, it would have been along the lines of 'Why would you like me? I didn't expect that.' He definitely didn't know it, or guess it before. I could see just how blown away he was by it. That had me sobbing harder. I can't believe I just told him...

I think my crying scared him. He wasn't used to taking care of people that had feelings. Yet here I was, crying in front of him for the second time today. He unbuckled his seatbelt, and  leaned across.

"Hush... Kookie, please don't cry." It only made it worse. I  had already covered my face with my hands, and I didn't see him, but heard him whispering things to himself under his breath. "What the heck am I supposed to do with you? I tried to stay away from you! How did this even happen! Ughhh." Surprisingly, he seemed mad at himself, not me. Then, louder, he said the words intended for me. "Kookie. Kooks, can you hear me? Please don't cry. We'll sort this out."  Bitch, how?! How are you 'sorting this out'? My sobs didn't stop as he scooped me up from the passenger seat, and carefully sat me on his lap. I buried my face in his chest, still crying as his fingers threaded through my hair. He leaned down and whispered soft things into my ear. Slowly, I calmed down.

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