45: Smut. Again.

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3rd Person POV (Present Time)

They end up in one of the back rooms.

"Who said I'm not capable of helping you?"

"You did. You always avoid me." Jungkook pouts childishly, looking down, long lashes brushing his cheekbones. They're sitting on the couch, Jungkook's back to Yoongi's chest, the younger splayed on the rapper's lap.

"Avoiding... is that what you call it when someone has their eyes on you at every possible moment? I can list every single person you talked to tonight, baby, and it's not because I wanted to keep track." Yoongi's usually low voice is lower, the slur of the Daegu accent creeping in. The rapper brushes Jungkook's puffed out lower lip; his finger tracing the outline of the pout.

"If you wanted to help me you would've." Jungkook's petulant voice makes it sound like he's leaving.

"Depends. How do you want me to help you, baby?" Yoongi's tone drops even lower, words breathed out over the shell of Jungkook's ear. He sees the small shiver travel through Jungkook at his words, cocky demeanour dropping momentarily before he grins, lewd and pleased.

"Touch me." Jungkook covers one of Yoongi's hands with his own, leading it across his defined stomach, down, down, until Yoongi's palm presses against his crotch. Jungkook lets slip a low, shaky breath, arching up into the pressure. Yoongi bites back a groan when he feels how hard the younger is, a perverse thrill in knowing how badly Jungkook wants this.

"Yeah, fuck," Jungkook sighs, melting even more against Yoongi's chest.

Jungkook's impatient, moving his hand away from Yoongi's to harshly tug down the material that's in the way. His cock bobs free, hard and thick, skin pulled taut. Yoongi doesn't touch his length straight away. He lets his fingers drift down, gently playing with Jungkook's balls, his other hand reaching up to rub teasingly over his nipple. A low, drawn out whine falls from Jungkook, needy and loud, sending heat coiling in Yoongi's gut.

"Thought I was meant to be the one in charge here." Yoongi's words are quiet but he knows Jungkook hears them. Dark brown eyes meet Yoongi's, teeth biting down on a pink lower lip. Jungkook looks like he's about to speak, but whatever sharp retort was planned dies on his tongue, a soft moan escaping instead as Yoongi lightly pinches his nipple.

"Maybe if you did something you would be, old man." His eyes sparkle playfully, knowing he's pushing Yoongi a little. Yoongi kind of likes it, and lets his hand drift up to wrap around Jungkook's cock. It makes the younger's eyes flutter closed, hiding that mischievous glint.

"I'm only four years older, you little shit," Yoongi reminds him.

"Mm," Jungkook replies noncommittally, conversation forgotten with the subtle twist of Yoongi's hand on him. Yoongi's grip is loose, torturous more than anything else. A slow, steady back and forth along Jungkook's length that's not enough and gets him writhing in Yoongi's lap. Yoongi brings his thumb to his mouth, wetting the pad before dropping it back to Jungkook's nipple, enjoying the rough gasp he receives for it.

"Fuck, keep doing that."

"You like that?" Yoongi asks, knowing all too well he did.

Nonetheless, Jungkook nods. Yoongi's hand leaves his heavy cock, joining the other to play with his nipples. He pinches, hard, and Jungkook draws in a loud, scratchy breath. Yoongi looks down at Jungkook, eyes closed and lips parted in pleasure.

"Remember when you made me cum just from this?" Jungkook muses out loud, a moan spilling out to follow his words. Yoongi chuckles lowly. He goes to press his lips below Jungkook's ear but stops himself. He's not quite sure what the boundaries are. Which sounds pretty fucking dumb given the situation they're currently in, but still.

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