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We sat there for a while; him leaning against the brick wall, and me laying on the ground, my head in his lap, looking at the sky change from a pink to a swirling purple. It was near sunset. Apparently, we had been sitting for around two hours before Yoongi looked a his watch.

"Five more minutes. Then I'll try to walk you to the car."


The part I don't tell Jimin (what happened after).

I close my eyes for what feels like a second, but when I open them again, I am in my bedroom, covered by blankets. Tae is sitting at the foot of my bed, focused on his phone.

I must've fallen asleep. Oh well. I'm up now. I reach for my dresser, trying to get the glass of water standing there. Tae hears me move.

"Oh! You're up. I'll text Yoongi-hyung." Tae shakes his hair out of his face, and smiles at me. I weakly smile back, unsure of what Tae knows. Luckily, he saves me the embarrassment. "That was some fight you must've been in! I wish I could see the other guy!" Fight? Is that what Yoongi said happened?

Thinking on it, telling Namjoon and Seokjin that I was in a fight is safer than telling the truth. At least this way they won't try and talk to Chin-hwa's parents about his son's life choices. I snort, imagining that conversation. "Are you good? you look a bit pale and beat up." Hoseok stands in the doorway, scanning my body with the same concern on his face that Yoongi had earlier.

"Yeah. Thanks. Just need a shower." I hint, trying to get them both to leave. It works; they both walk out, telling me to be careful, and warning me that Seokjin is making ramen (for the 5th night) for dinner. When they finally leave, I pick myself up off the bed, and stumble over to the mirror. The bruises are ugly, and will stay for a while, but luckily they are mostly on my stomach, and will be covered by my school uniform. The scratch on my neck isn't deep, and will heal in a couple of days. Nothing bad has happened, I tell myself.

The hot water of the shower relaxes me; my muscles stop aching, and my mind is free to wander.

How did Yoongi find us? Sung-min has dragged me behind the building, we wouldn't have been heard or seen from the parking lot.

What did Sung-min mean by his whole talk of distractions and whores? Did Yoongi really get wrecked over by Sung-Min's older brother? If so, then why did he deny it? It's not like Sung-min didn't know the truth. If Sung-min was lying, and Yoongi was telling the truth, then what did he mean by saying that Sung-min's brother was the distraction? Distraction from what / who?

By the end of my shower, no obvious answer has presented itself to me. I put on a sweatshirt, and whatever bottoms (pants) I could find in my closet. It was surprisingly cold for October. Dinner was in the living room. I was surprised to see that I was one of the first people down; I thought I'd be late.

There was some tension in the air, and curiously enough, it was centered around Jhope and Jimin. Since both thought I was a banana-milk-drinking-innocent-toddler, they haven't bothered to tell me that they had started dating after all of Yoongi's urges, and the many times he set them up. Namjoon was fond of saying that Yoongi had worked harder on getting "JiHope" (Jimin and Jhope) together, than he did on writing the songs for the debut album. It wasn't true, but it did give you an idea of how much work Yoongi put in to get the two to date. Now there was obvious tension between the lucky two, as they picked at their dinner, moodily chewing the noodles.

"Can someone go get some fast-food?No offense to your immense beauty and cooking skills, Seokjin-hyung, but Ramen for five nights straight?" Tae addressed the question to Yoongi, seeing as he was the only one who regularly risked consequences for driving. (Idols aren't supposed to, but Yoongi always got away by pointing out that we didn't debut yet, so he wasn't technically an Idol yet.)

Yoongi nodded. "Coming?" He looked at me, and I was as surprised as everyone else. Me? Yoongi barely looked at me, apart from when Jin made him. The last time I asked to come with him on a grocery shopping trip, he told me to go get lost.

Seeing our confusion, Yoongi threw his hands up in the air. "I said, Coming? I'm not going to stand here all night."

I scrambled to my feet, thankful that my phone was in my pocket, in case Yoongi decided to leave me at the store for being annoying. Pulling on my sneakers, I followed him outside. The car was company provided. (BangPD thought that it was used by our designated driver. Our designated driver was glad for the nights off.) Yoongi opened the front passenger door for me, then got in the drivers side. The seats were leather, and I was immediately afraid to spill something on them. Especially if I was to get banana milk at the store. The first couple of minutes were passed in silence; both of us staring ahead. I was afraid to so much as move; it took the smallest things to trigger his mood. Finally, I snuck a look at him. He was driving, relaxed, his long pale fingers tapping on the steering wheel to some unheard beat. He felt me looking, and looked over. I shivered as his eyes met mine.

"I told the guys you got into a fight at school. OK with you? It's easier than telling them the truth."

I nodded. He looked back to the road. Without turning, he put an arm around me. "Stop your sniffling."

It was then that I realized that the mention of my eventful afternoon had brought about tears. I wiped at them; embarrassed. Trying not to seem focused on his arm around me, I stared intently at the road. It was pitch black, and I had no clue how Yoongi saw anything out there. A sudden turn slammed me back into the seat. We had stopped, and by the light of a street lamp, I could see that we were in the parking lot of some store. Yoongi took his arm away fro my shoulders, and killed the engine, turning to me.

"Now, tell me who those jerks were, and why you were getting ready to be raped by some guys when I walked in." He runs a hand through his hair. "For god's sake, Jungkook! You take taekwondo for a reason!"



Sorry, filler chapter. This chapter basically makes a bridges between the events if the last chapter, and Chapter 12, which will be posted either this afternoon, or, if i don't have time, next weekend. Have a good night!

Sorry for any typos, I will go through some time later to edit them out of all published chapters.


The author

SugaKookieWhere stories live. Discover now