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Jungkook POV1

On my way to shower I stop at my room to pick up some clothes to change into. Cracking the door open, I dart in, praying that Sleeping beauty (Jin) won't be disturbed. Grabbing a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a huge white T-shirt (probably one of Namjoon's), I look over at Jin, who stirs quietly, but doesn't open his eyes. Tiptoeing out, I hear his soft whisper before I shut the door.

"Good Luck. And -- you're welcome~" JIN! Of course he planned this. I can't help but smile. Jin-hyung can be annoying and bossy, but he has a sweet and romantic side to him. Shipping everyone and everything, believing in happily-ever-after... Yes, Jin really is a pink princess.

But now's not the time to dwell on that.

I dash into the bathroom and quickly lock the bathroom door. Shedding my clothes, I step into the shower and let the hot water relax me. Bits and pieces of memories have been floating in my head all day, and now I let them take over, and closing my eyes, my brain takes me a couple years back. Two thousand and twelve...

Jungkook's POV1 (2012)

I'm sitting on the floor in a cold hallway, crying my heart out. The tears blur my vision, and it takes a couple moments for me to realize that someone is standing in front of me.

"Jungkook?" Aera. "Are you okay?" She looks down at me, concerned. Her soft black hair brushes my arm as she leans down.

"Yeah." I sniffle. "I'm fine."

She smiles. "Mhmmm."

"I am!"

She sits down next to me, leaning back against my wall, imitating my posture. "Crying, alone in a hallway during break. Totally and completely fine."

It sounds ridiculous even to me. Aera gets out her phone and plugs in her earbuds. Giving me one, she puts the other in her ear, and presses play. Familiar music fills my head.


She nods, just as surprised as I am. "Music helps me relax. You looked like you needed it."

We spend the next couple of minutes discussing music. She's right, by the time we're finished, I feel completely relaxed, if a bit pissed off at her dislike of EXO-M, the chinese twin band to EXO-K.

"So.. What brings you down here anyway?" She finally asks.

I hesitate. Oh hell, what've I got to lose? I find myself telling her everything.

From signing the contract with BigHit, to seeing two of my bandmates fucking in the kitchen (I don't mention names), to getting her message about my ex (Kim Ji-woo), to Yoongi walking in on me and flipping my sexuality. I finish with the shopping trip.

"And we haven't talked since. He's avoiding me on purpose, and now he's to be our substitute teacher in the spring."

She looks at me for a second, then winces. "There's probably something I should mention then, too. Ms Kim's going on early pregnancy leave, due to the fact that she's elderly, which makes carrying twins all that much harder."

I choke on air. "How early?" I croak out.

"Next week." Aera sends me a pitying glance.


Starting next week, I will be trapped with the person so bent on avoiding me. The person I turn as red as a strawberry around.

Aera doesn't seem all that concerned.

"He's coming next week!" She squeals.

"Next week." I dumbly echo.

"Which means that I'll finally get to see this fixation of yours!"

I groan. "Whatever you're up to, please stop."

She looks at me with wide innocent eyes. "I'm not up to anything!" She spoils the effect by winking.


Aera smiles wider.


A week passes in nervous anticipation. Finally, the day comes. I walk into class, and immediately shuffle into my seat. Fucking front row, next to Aera. My ex is giggling like a chihuahua on the other side of the room. How did I like her before?

He steps in right before the bell rings. I gulp, and immediately lower my eyes to my desk. Yoongi has taken the teacher dress code, and somehow made it look like something Namjoon wears everyday to meetings. AKA hot af.

Plain dress pants hug his legs, a formal white shirt is slightly unbuttoned at the top, and hair tamed into something resembling a neat mess. No other words for it. Neat mess. Neat enough to pass the dress code, messy enough to still be the same Yoongi he is at 5PM in the afternoon, napping on the couch.

"Morning. My name's Mr Min, and I'll be your substitute teacher while Ms Kim's away." The class falls silent. Yoongi has a quiet way of talking, yet I know for a fact that every word he said has been heard by everyone. He doesn't need loud voices or threats. His look is intimidating enough.

Then, as if on a signal, everyone starts talking, introducing themselves, and pushing up front. Aera leans over to whisper in my ear. "That's your bandmate?"

I miserably nod. The only small relief is that Yoongi hasn't noticed me yet, and so hasn't pointedly started ignoring my side of the room. It's only a matter of time, though.

"Hi! I'm Kim Ji-woo!" My ex's voice fills the room and I flinch. Ji-woo keeps gushing, and even sticks out a hand for him to shake. He gives her the same look he gave me when I first introduced myself to him a couple of months ago. A sort of what the hell do you want from me? Ignoring her extended hand, Yoongi scans the room. I look up when I feel his gaze land on me, and for a couple of seconds, our eyes meet. I look away first.

Clapping his hands, Yoongi orders everyone to their seats.

Walking over to the chalkboard, Yoongi rolls up his sleeves and turns to face us.

"Take out a piece of paper. You won't need the workbook most days that you're with me."

The room fills with the rustling of paper and the BAMs of textbooks being slammed shut. Yoongi turns and starts writing on the chalkboard, his letters (hangul characters) nice and neat, white against the black of the board.

"Take the time to answer these questions, while I take attendance. I will collect these after class. Keep in mind that I will be reading these. Do try to make a good first impression. I know it's the middle of November, but just make an effort, will you?" His voice is calm and even, as if he teaches class everyday.

"Stand up for attendance when your name is called."

And so it goes.

From "Yoo Aera?" to a transfer student from Great Britain, "Bellford, Alex?" all the way to "Kim Ji-woo?" She giggles as she stands up.

Then it comes. A slight pause before... "Jeon Jungkook."

I stand up and look him dead in the eye. His widen a bit before he looks down to mark me present. As I sit down, I feel a hand on my thigh. Aera. When she removes her hand, a note is left behind in my pocket. I give her the stink-eye. There are easier ways to pass notes, goddammit.

When Yoongi finishes with attendance, he launches into teaching without a break. He teaches like it's his life's passion. His dark brown eyes are lit up, hands writing on the board with lightning speed. He talks in a way you understand. No dictionary-long words, no complicated grammar. He teaches as one would talk.

It's no secret I'm flunking. But now, maybe I have a chance of passing.

It continues for weeks. Until one day.

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