46: Idiots

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3rd Person POV (Present Time)

Jungkook woke up the next morning, feeling, for the first time in a while, extremely content. He was warm, his head on someone's chest, the rest of his body draped over the man underneath him like a weighted blanket. There were hands running through his hair, a habit Yoongi never managed to break. The familiar scent of the small rapper was surrounding the maknae, lulling him into a happy state of security. Yoongi's hands stilled as he took in the difference in Jungkook's breathing pattern. There was no use pretending to be asleep any longer.

"Good morning hyung!"

Yoongi chuckled at the happy note in the younger's sleepy voice. He always was adorable in the mornings. "Morning Kookie. How's your hangover?"

"Horrible, now that you mention it." The boy groans, making the pale man's chest quake with silent laughter.

"Poor baby Kookie." Yoongi snorts, but his arms still tighten around Jungkook's broad shoulders, fingers massaging his scalp gently, knowing the younger liked it.

Jungkook's headache felt like tiny mallets hammering inside his head, and as he recalled yesterday's events, Jungkook blushed worse and worse.

"I'm sorry, hyung."


"I was a brat yesterday."

Yoongi grins, thinking about the maknae's brattiest moments.

"You took care of me after we got home. You didn't have to."

This time, Yoongi scoffs, looking down at the younger, who has propped his chin up to look Yoongi in the eyes. "You are a baby. A fetus. Of course I fucking took care of you! That's what a hyung's supposed to do."


"Relax, kid."

"Kid? That would make you a pedo."

The rapper's face scrunches up in disgust, and he flicks Jungkook's light hair, smiling despite himself at the brunet's bright laughter.

"Thank you, hyung."

"You owe me a blue bath bomb." Is all Yoongi says in return, closing his eyes and hugging Jungkook closer, trying to squeeze in a few extra minutes of sleep before Jin walks in.

"When pigs fly. You have more than enough."



Breakfast is a quiet affair, everyone (wisely) staying quiet over the rapper and maknae's closeness. Yoongi feeds Jungkook breakfast, popping the food into the maknae's mouth, ducking away from the sauce the younger tries to smear on his face. Jungkook, in return, clings to his hyung like glue, back hugging him as Yoongi does the dishes with Jin.

("Can I help you?"

"You're way too hungover. You can't walk without stumbling."

"But Jin-hyung!"

"Not buts.")

Jungkook's arms lock around Yoongi's waist, his chest against the elder's back as he rests his chin on Yoongi's wide shoulder. He wipes away the puff of dishwashing soap that got on his face, and watches the water run off the rapper's large hands, how the fingers reached so perfectly inside the glasses, the way he washed so quickly and efficiently, swirling and scissoring his fingers with the sponge before rinsing and handing the dishes to Jin, who dried them and set them back in the cupboards. The movements were hypnotizing if you stared for long enough, so every once in a while, a member would come up to snap their fingers in front of the maknae's face, some stumbling through their own hangover and some taking care of others. Jimin, for example, sat on the couch, his legs to his chest, eyes shut, rocking back and forth gently as he tried to block out the dorm noises. Taehyung sat beside him, arms around the smaller boy and whispering soothing things in his ear. Hoseok was clearing the table, dumping more and more dishes into the sink for Yoongi to wash.

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