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A/N: Sorry for not updating last week. If you see any mistakes, please point them out; I will be much obliged to you.

Jungkook's POV1

"Kookie? Wake up dongsaeng. We got some talking to do."

I wake up in the passenger seat of Yoongi's car, shivering from the cold. The sun's gone down; it must be quite late now. Yoongi's driving with an unreadable expression on his face. I reach for my bag, but then freeze. I can't take pills where he can see. And for once, I don't exactly want to. Not deep down.

"I'm awake, hyung."

He nods to acknowledge my words before becoming motionless again. The miles fly past, and yet the car remains silent. Finally after chewing on his bottom lip for a full minute, Yoongi turns off on an exit. I blink when I see where he stops. Right in front of us stands an old rice-cake place. It looks sweet and old, and I'd bet all my money that it's run by a sweet old lady who makes the cakes herself.

"Stay in the car. I'll be right back."

Yoongi slams the car door and walks into the shop. He's gone for a good fifteen minutes during which I fidget for a good 5 minutes, before turning on a light and getting out my math homework. Better than nothing, I guess. When he finally comes out, the ghost of a smile still on his face, he's holding a bag with food and a small index card.

I flinch as the cold air hits me when he opens the door.

"That was Jimin's grandma's place." He tells me. "Best rice cakes in all of South Korea." Yoongi smiles a fond smile before turning to me, setting the bag in the backseat.

"Call Joon and tell him you're safe and will be back by 10PM." I punch in Namjoon-hyung's number into my phone, wincing at the amount of missed calls there are from all 5 of the other members.

"JUNGKOOK! Thank God! Where are you? Do you know where Yoongi-hyung is? Are you okay? ---OW JIN LET GO--" I smile, imagining Jin-hyung trying to wrestle the phone away from Namjoon.

"Rice cake shop, yes, and yes." I answer, following the order of the asked questions.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Shit. Jin got the phone. "Which rice cake shop, for God's sake? THERE ARE MILLIONS!"

"Umm... Ask Jimin, it's his grandma's." There come murmurs and a shout of "CHIM!"

"Where's Hyung?" Namjoon's voice blares in my ear. "Yes, where's my favorite dongsaeng?" Jin follows up. I hear a chorus of offended "Hey!"s.

"Uh..." I turn To Yoongi, who's biting his lip trying not to laugh. "Everything's good and everyone will be home by 10PM! Love you!" I hang up, throwing the phone in my bag as if it's radioactive. The moment I do Yoongi loses it. Shaking with laughter he tries to start up the car.

"Jin-hyung is gonna kill us." He chuckles. We both eye my bag, which has started shaking from how hard my phone's vibrating.

"Think it will catch on fire?" I ask, somewhat nervously.

Yoongi shakes his head. "Nope. But you will when you get back." He snorts. "I can't believe you hung up on him." I can't either.

"How come Jin-hyung won't set you on fire?" I ask, trying to hold the conversation.

"Cause I'm his favorite dongsaeng." Yoongi looks over at me, winking. "And also because I top." My cheeks color for what feels like the millionth time today. Well.. the more you know..? As Yoongi puts the car in reverse and backs out of the parking lot, I look at the time. 8:30PM. If we're to be back by 10PM...

"Shit! We're late."

Yoongi looks over at me with an amused expression.


"Yes! If you want us to be back by 10, and it's half past 8 right now, and the drive took us 4 hours to get here!"

Yoongi chuckles at my panicked expression.

"Four hours? Two hours on the interstate one way and two back. We're fifteen minutes downtown from the dorms right now."

I blink at him in surprise. What? Looking out the window, one neighborhood looks much like another one.

"Then why did you--"

"Jungkook." I turn to look at him. "First off, we need to talk. Preferably some place where we won't be overheard. Second off, it's not my fault you don't know what downtown Seoul looks like after sunset." I try to ignore the panic bells in the pit of my stomach when Yoongi says "talk". The minutes pass by in silence, until Yoongi parks behind some building. For once, the parking lot isn't abandoned, but filled with cars. One more won't be noticed. Shutting the engine off, Yoongi turns to me. I regard him with a wary expression.

"You took drugs." It's not a question, yet I still answer.


He sighs. "For the last week?"

"Yes. Did you read the f--"

"Twice a day?"

"Yes." Where is this going?



"When, Kookie?" The light from a nearby street lamp illuminates his face, and is it just me or does he look desperate not to hear the answer? For it not to be what he thinks it is?

"Before and after your class."

Yoongi looks like I just punched him; his face taking on a pained look before he wipes it clean of emotions.

"Why?" He whispers this, the one question I hoped he'd never ask. This reminds me of a different time, a different parking lot, a different "why".

"Why do you like me?"

"Why are you taking drugs?"

I don't want to answer. I don't. But his face prompts me to. We sit in silence, and he doesn't ask again, just patiently waits for me to respond.

"Because they make me numb?"

"Okay... and you want to be numb for my class because...?"

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