41: Birthday Boy

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3rd Person POV

(Present time)

Yoongi stumbles into his dark studio, dead tired and his head whizzing with confusion. No, it wasn't exactly confusion. It was more of.....


Refusal to accept something he knew deep inside of him was true.

And with Jimin and Hoseok, it was like they fucking planned it. Wretched matchmakers.

Sighing, Yoongi pushes his hair back from his forehead, rubbing at his eyes. He needed a haircut. He stretches, yawning and mentally prepares to sleep for the next few hours, when a sound startles him, mid-stretch.

A quiet hiccup.

Yoongi freezes, feline eyes searching the studio for the sound's source. His ears catch a muffled sniffle, and then another hiccup. Yoongi's body reacts before his mind has time to catch up. Dashing over to what he had mistaken for a heap of blankets on the floor, Yoongi tears the first one off.

Large doe eyes stare up at him, scared and bloodshot from crying. Silent tears stream down the maknae's face and his bottom lip quivers. Body shaking, he shrinks back, hiccuping again. Jungkook looks down, away from Yoongi's surprised gaze.

"Kookie?" Yoongi's voice cracks and he clears his throat, whispering this time. "Jungkook."

The younger just hiccups again, his small hands curling into tiny fists.

"What are you doing here?"


Yoongi hesitantly reaches a shaky hand out towards the younger's mop of honey hair. He tries not to startle when Jungkook leans into his touch, eyes fluttering shut. They sit quietly for a bit, Yoongi gently carding his long fingers through soft, light colored tresses. And Jungkook, evening out his breathing, matching it to his hyung's.

They hear the commotion outside, Jin shouting at BangPD and Jimin arguing quietly with a staff member. ("That'd be about the PDA during American tours." Jungkook silently nods in agreement.)

But in their bubble, they feel safe. Like no one can touch them. Like nothing else mattered. Like the only threats to the peace they have are themselves and each other. They felt like they always did when they were together. Connected. Yet both felt too shy to comment on it, afraid that the other didn't feel it; didn't think the same.

Somewhere in there, Yoongi's hand slipped around Jungkook's shoulder; the younger shivering in that thin T-shirt he had on. Jungkook had leaned into the warmth, inhaling that intoxicating scent that came with the elder. He tried being subtle about slipping his quaking hands around Yoongi's waist, but really, he needn't have worried. For Yoongi was lost in a dream of his own.

"Remember," Yoongi shifts his body weight, leaning back against the cool wall of the studio and bringing Jungkook closer to him. "Remember when you begged me to take you to the beach?"

Jungkook silently nods, burying his head further into Yoongi's chest. Long fingers come up to comb through his hair again; Yoongi's other hand interlocked between Jungkook's warm palms, fingers laced together.

"You looked so cute, standing here with your bottom lip jutted out and puppy eyes directed at me. I was fucked the moment you asked." Jungkook shivers at the revelation, the small peek into Yoongi's thoughts.

"We drove for hours, and I complained the whole way about wasted time and too much sunlight. I should've told you that I couldn't hear a word that was coming out of my mouth, because your little hand was on my thigh, and you giggles were filling the car. You still don't realize how beautiful you are, do you Kookie?" You certainly didn't realize it then. It was sunset when we got there and you ran out, leaving me to carry all the shit, but you know what? I didn't even mind; couldn't even grumble because you turned around and flashed me that bunny smile of yours, and I melted in the spot."

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