35: Movie Night

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3rd Person POV

Present Time

Jungkook had left early in the morning, leaving only a little note to tell his hyung to sleep well and take some aspirin for his hangover. The little devil decided it was safer that way. Yoongi couldn't (fairly) argue. He just pinned the note up on his corkboard, smiling a bit at the small hearts at the bottom, before going to the bathroom and taking some aspirin. Jungkook was right; his hangover was terrible. But the headache wasn't as terrible as something else. Something that pricked in his chest, seemingly squeezing him when he looked at the note. That ache that told him to go down the hallway, and get back the warm boy who slept next to him, and take him back to bed to cuddle until a later hour.

It was 9 in the morning, on a day off. Yoongi normally wouldn't get up until 11.

Movie Night

Yoongi settles on the couch, relaxing his weight into the comforting pillows. If he was to endure Bangtan Movie Night, he would enjoy it in comfort, thank you very much. Now all he had to do was wait for Jimin and Taehyung to agree on what they were watching, for Jin to make the popcorn, for Namjoon and Hoseok to come out of wherever Hoseok hid the leader for the duration of the time Jin made popcorn (because Namjoon would've 100% went into the kitchen and ended up setting the place on fire), and for Jungkook to come out of his room. Then, all together, they would watch some drama or rom-com, or some other sappy shit. Everyone would cry, and laugh and get mad at the actors, and then the credits would play.

Yoongi used to enjoy movie night. Back when movie night meant he would have a warm bunny boy curling into him on the couch, arms squeezing his sides in fright whenever there was a jump-scare. Back when he used to watch the boy more than the movie. The soft sighs when someone got together, the angry prickling tears when a tragedy occurred, and the loud laugh when a joke was told. (The laugh that was more often drowned out by the windshield wiper laugh of the eldest hyung.) Now, Yoongi was on one end of the couch, and Jungkook came in and after a moment of deliberation sat on the other end, a foot of space between them. Jimin and Hoseok settled on the love seat; Jimin making faces at Taehyung. Apparently, they were watching Jimin's choice today. Taehyung decided to sulk into Namjoon's shoulder. Jin, seeing them, dropped down to sit on the floor below Yoongi, predicting (correctly) that Yoongi would be the least likely to comment on his red face.

They had a strange relationship, the two eldest. Compassion ruled it all. Argued and bickered on most days. But if someone dared hurt one of them, he or she would've gotten a fist in the face from the other.

Now, Yoongi silently slipped his hands down to the eldest's neck, massaging it gently. Jin immediately relaxed, leaning back into Yoongi's touch and closing his eyes. He wouldn't be awake for the movie.

Jimin finds his pick on Netflix, and settles back with a "fight me" look on his face. Yoongi conceals a groan at the pick. He didn't even have to read the title. Just the picture alone showed

him that it would be another annoying romantic tragedy. He just reached between the couch cushions for the tissues, ready to hand them out when time came.

And time came soon enough. A sobbing maknae line, paired with a sniffling Namjoon and a broken down Hoseok. Oh, and a sleeping Seokjin. This was why movie night was a bad idea.

Passing the tissues to the happy (although not at the moment) couple, Yoongi turns away from Jimin's tear stained face before he could do something stupid, like give the duo a hug. He settled back on the couch, hands back on Jin's shoulders, finger playing an absentminded rhythm. Closing his eyes he tried to visualize how long he had before the happy ending. Half hour, he guessed. That was expected.

What wasn't was the pair of arms locking around his chest, a head burrowing in his back. After a few moments, Yoongi relaxed, letting himself enjoy the back hug, telling himself that this was no different from Taehyung and Namjoon, who were holding onto each other for dear life, eyes wide and glued to the giant TV screen.

This was no different. Just Jungkook, needing someone to hold onto while he peeked over Yoongi's shoulder to catch glimpses of the movie, ducking back down whenever there was an embarrassing moment. Oh, how Jungkook hated second-hand embarrassment.

Yoongi let himself relax, and even lean back into the hug, a small smile on his face as he watched Jungkook. He had moved the boy next to him, so Jungkook was now curled up into Yoongi's side, the familiar position bringing warmth to both of them. Jungkook's arm was still around Yoongi's back, holding on, and his head was now resting on the older's chest.

Suddenly, the movie didn't seem so bad after all.


A/N: Yes, short-ish chapter, sorry. Also, I started naming my chapters just so I can keep track of them when I move the story line around. Stream BangBangCon <3

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