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This story has a painfully slow start, so I beg you to be patient with me x.x I had no clue what I was doing when I first started writing this, and I have not even an inkling of how to fix the beginning. So, I apologize.
This is a year old train wreck. I don't know if it's even worth reading..
Edit 2; three years old God save me
I wanna rewrite this whole thing it's bothering me so bad it sucks 😭 (I'm working on it it probably won't be published for like a year tho anjajjajzjajajzjaj)
Edit 3; I'm almost done making the outline bro I'm so much happier with this new version it actually makes sense LMAO (It's still gonna be a long time before I put it out tho, and I'll still keep this version up just because)
While you wait:

 Edit 2; three years old God save me I wanna rewrite this whole thing it's bothering me so bad it sucks 😭 (I'm working on it it probably won't be published for like a year tho anjajjajzjajajzjaj) Edit 3; I'm almost done making the outline bro I'm...

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(Yes that's a quote from me I'm the master of humor)

I walked down a street I knew well on my way home, as I did regularly. I'd always taken a small detour through the nature trail for some reason, I found it relaxing, and it took all the stress off my shoulders. I turned down the path to the trail, wiping my hair from my face as the wind played with it. I stared at the scenery, smiling to myself. The bright colored leaves were falling, the air was growing crisp, the last of the summer birds were chirping their final song before they left for warmer climate; it was a beautiful day. For once. Above me, I heard a crow caw, and looked up in time to see it spread it's wings, and fly off, leaving a jet black feather to fall to the ground—


(What the Hell was that?) I thought as I looked to my side, a strange sound catching my attention. I drew my hair out of my narrowing eyes as I surveyed my surroundings. I felt my pace begin to quicken, and took a deep breath. But my calm faltered.. My heart began beating fast and my breathing quickened. I knew not to make myself seem suspicious but adrenaline was kicking in and i lost it. i began to run. (That didn't sound like any wild life that I know of.. Is that Him?! How the Hell did He find me??)

My shoes slapped against the pavement as I bolted. The sound of my breath became louder as I grew tired. About six minutes passed as I flew by trees, and hurdled roots that were out to trip me. Not that I was really counting but.. I began to slow. (Crap, I can't stop now!!) I thought as i tried to keep going. My steps slowed until they stopped entirely.

I took incredibly deep breaths and steadied myself on a tree. I rested my back against it and huffed, re-tying my shoe. Once i finished, I slid down the tree trunk and huffed one more time, slowly regaining oxygen. It felt like my lungs were burning, but I couldn't focus on that, Did I lose Him?

I stood up and surveyed my surroundings. Nothing to report.. Although, he probably wouldn't make this easy...

I turned around, peering behind the tree, hoping He wouldn't be there when I opened my eyes. My breath finally steadied and I took my chance at life. If He was there, I'd most likely die. I slowly opened my eyes and saw--


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