(7)My wrists hurt from writing X/

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The tall thing walked out of the hall and seemed to scowl. Black tendril like things protruded from it's back and shot toward us all. One wrapped itself around my waist and lifted me away from Toby. My feet dangled as I was held up to face the creature. i struggled slightly, knowing if I did in fact fall, i would have hard impact. I clasped my fingers to the black tendril, and tugged it.

The thing didn't look amused. It held up it's hand and pressed it's finger where it's lips should've been. Shuddering, I immediately stopped, not knowing what else this thing would do if i didn't listen. Mavis on the other hand or should i say in the other tentacle, wouldn't give up. She threw her arms to the black things and hit them over and over.

The thing set me down and pushed me. I stumbled into the arms of the man with the carved smile. He grabbed me tight, and I squirmed. His arms looped around my waist aggressively, holding me fast to his torso, and forcing my feet to dangle again. I soon gave, crossing my tiring arms.

Mavis was soon set down as well, and she was grabbed by the Clown guy. Ryuuk sat on the floor with the white masked man, and smiled. "One Hell of a night am I right?"

The man holding me chuckled. I sighed out of exhaustion and turned to the door. (I hope Johnnie and Zack are okay...) My eyes were locked on the open space, and i saw a bird fly by. What is this weird feeling? I leaned on the guy and savored a quiet moment. My head felt clear for once. I felt... Happy?? ;-;

I released a breath, and tapped the guy's arm. He let me go and I stepped toward Ryuuk, and sat with him. (Why the Hell am I so calm right now???) i thought, setting myself down on the floor. Mavis followed and soon, everyone in the house was sitting with us.

(WAIT. What is HE doing here!!???) I shuddered, looking into the dark mask of a man. The black goo oozed out of the eyes sockets eerily, running to the bottom of the mask. His hand awkwardly in his black hoodie pockets, he stepped slowly and creepily into the room. No doubt. That was him. He was the man I saw outside my window a few nights prior. He's what i was so afraid of when Zack was chasing me— I'd figured it was him, trying to finish what he intended, and kill me. He's also the one who gave me a nightmare that night! >:^ My calm feeling fled immediately.

I looked straight into his dark mask and stood up. (Why is He here? Is his where He ran off to that night?) I Took a step toward him, hoping he'd remember the whole thing. And I was right. I walked a little closer to him, and he paused. "It's you," He said, his voice slightly muffled by his mask.

"It's you," I returned his reaction, and stepped back as he walked closer to me. He held up his hand. "I don't think the way we met was proper, let's start over, I'm Jack."


OOF. I'm sorry bro lol at least I made it shorter--


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