(10)Take A Guess

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I sat up. My head was a little fuzzy. My eyes strayed over to the girl sleeping on my bed. Her hair was in her eyes, and her mouth was slightly open, allowing a small bead of drool to escape her lips. I glanced at my now slightly wet pillow. My lips turned down in a frown as I stood up. Scoffing, my feet led me out my door and down the hall.

"Ah, Jeffrey, how is she?" Asked Slender when he saw me. I didn't raise my head.

"Still sleeping." I mumbled. A light tap on my shoulder made me turn around. "What, Ben?"

The blond smiled at me. (Oh, great) I gave him a blank stare and crossed my arms. My face was like a stone, never changing expression.

"Did you have fun last night?"

(... Don't be stupid -_-) "The Hell does that mean?!" My voice cracked. I hated that. Ben continued smiling at me, and jabbed my side with his elbow. "You know what I mean." He winked. I made a face.

"You're stupid." With that, I turned on my heel, and walked into the kitchen. (Why is he following me?!) I rolled my eyes at the sight of the elf right behind me, still smiling like a moron. I glanced over at Toby sitting  on the floor, holding an empty box of waffles. He looked shocked, and depressed. I groaned.

"Toby get off the floor." He looked up at me with that blank look i was ever used to. Standing up he mumbled. "What did you do?"

(What is with people?! I'm not THAT bad. *-_-) "Nothing you dummy," crossing my arms, I opened the fridge. Of course, there wasn't anything in there, but I had to check. I simple milk carton stared back at me.

"You're sounding awfully nice this morning," Said Ben as he came up behind me.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled, getting annoyed.

"A straight answer." Ben's expression went slightly dark. I huffed a laugh.

"I gave you an answer, Idiot. I didn't touch her. Why even would I?" I could feel the slight of warmth in my face, and I supposed i wasn't helping my case. Just then, Jack walked into the Kitchen. He wasn't wearing his mask. I don't think I've ever really seen him without it..

"What's going on?"

_Johnnie's Point Of View_

I stared at the walls inside the house as we searched for Y/n and the other two. I glanced over the group picture Mavis held up earlier. I recognized some of the people now. The guy that held up Y/n in the woods was the same one holding the blond boy in a headlock. next to them was the guy in a tan jacket, crossing his arms as that stuttering brunet poked his side. The monochrome Clown had his claw atop the head of the brunet, a smirk on his face. Across the scene was a little girl in a bright pink nightgown that read, "Sally." Below the name was a sewn picture of a yellow flower. Behind her was the tall faceless thing holding her hand.

I smiled at the group of ruffians and set the picture down. Why did i smile? I'm not exactly happy about this, as you'd well know. So, why was I smiling? I looked back at the TV screen, and sighed. It was still showing only static, even through my tear fest on the couch. I am such a crybaby sometimes..

I was ripped from my thoughts when A cop tapped my shoulder. "Hm?"

"How're you holding up?" He asked, now resting his hand on my shoulder. I stared at him for a moment, then sighed.

"I'm not exactly okay, but then again, When am I ever?" Shaking my head, I stepped away and headed for the stairs. I wandered around on the second floor for a while, looking around in rooms and down halls that all seemed to loop around and come back. I came to a room with a black door, adjacent to a white one. (This is creepy as Hell..)

I opened the white door. "Holy f--" I turned around, slamming the door and holding the handle with a death grip. I took a couple breaths, and looked back through the old key hole. (What the Fuck is that thing?! CAN IT SEE ME?) A pair of blazing yellow eyes gleamed back at my blue ones.

"AHH!" I jumped at the feel of a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around and almost hit Zack in the face. I stumbled back some, hitting the door, making it fly open. I locked eyes with the thing for what felt like hours. I then repeated the sound I made a few seconds earlier and crawled backward. Then both Zack and I yelled in unison;


These are still short bro xD

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