(32) Dance With The Devil

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_Y/n's Point Of View_

"Why don't we make a deal?" Said that cunning voice, a tall, shadowy smoke-like figure to which it belonged loomed over me. I shuddered at the cold aura it emitted, shrinking onto the forest floor. My eyes widened as the smoke creature knelt down next to me, extending a blurry hand. "You don't have to live with those weirdos if you don't want to, sweetheart. You can be free outside of them, killing at your leisure, and wouldn't have to worry. All you must do," he paused, crouching down to meet my gaze, sending a shiver up my spine. "is take my hand." A faint figure of a face protruded from within the smoke, a smile on his lips. (No..) "That's right. That's all you have to do, sweetheart. Just take my hand. Come on.. there you go.."

(WHAT DID I JUST DO?!) My subconscious action made me mentally facepalm. Id closed my eyes tightly as a pain shot up my back, flowing through my veins and clotting my eyes. When the pain subsided, I peeped open my left eye, and found myself in a dark room. My body felt numb. (What the hell..?) Thickly frosted windows, viewing what I assumed was a sunset, set the whole wall, giving little light. I was sitting in a chair next to a small table, cherry blossom themed coasters sitting happily upon the glass surface. Another chair was stationed on the other side of the table, turned perfectly to hold conversation with the one who sat.

Out of almost nowhere, that thing appeared, holding out a tray of mugs. "Hot chocolate? You can have as much as you like, that is, it's not real. In fact, you're not real, and neither am I. This is simply a place where we can chat in peace, without distraction, or interruption." He seated himself in the other chair, placing the mug of hot chocolate on the coaster nearest me.

"What do you mean?" Baffled, and scared, I tilted my head. The thing chuckled, and took a sip of coco.

"I've entered your mind. Y'know, kids shows have a lot of foreshadowing when it comes to demons." He laughed a little more.

(Kids shows?? ...Gravity Falls..? this was possible because I shook his hand?!) I laughed nervously, hugging myself. "But it's just—"

"Exactly. They want you to think it harmless and useless information, when in reality," he sipped his coco again, savoring the flavor. "It's truth, and could honestly help you if you try it against us. However, you're too late. You've already become mine."

(Yours?! I belong to one person, and that person is Jeff!) I huffed, and picked up my mug.

"Oh? You've been claimed by that runt? Well, if he's your taste.."

"AHH!!" I stood up, dropping the hot chocolate, the mug shattering against the floor. I jumped away, screeching. The smoke that surrounded thing began to fade, and was soaked up into his skin. A figure I knew well now sat in the chair. His black hair tumbled to his chest, his wide eyes sparkled with amusement. (Jeff?)

"I am what humans call a 'shapeshifter,' though, we are not a separate spices, just another type of demon." The fake Jeff smiled, taking another drink. His voice hadn't changed, which was the only clue I had as to him not being the man I love.

"Stop it. Stop it right now. I felt better when you were just smog." I scrunched my face up as he listened to me, changing back to what he'd been before. The smoke spewed out of his face, and surrounded the shadow again.

"Very well. But Y/n, we have an urgent matter to discuss. Please, sit." He gestured his blurred hand to the chair opposite him, and I obeyed.

"What's so important? You want to posses me?" I glared.

He chuckled. "No, sweetheart, if I'd wanted that, I'd have already done it. No, I want some fun. And you humans are so fun." His voice was sweet, a taunt and tease. (I don't like this guy..)

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