(16)How It Happened Pt1

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_Zacharie's Point Of View_

I cradled Johnnie's body in my hands and knew he was dead. He was gone. His life would no longer effect the lives of others. No one would ever see his smile, not that he smiled much but still...

Just by the look on his face, I knew He was scared when he died. He had made little whimpers when I grabbed him. He was so afraid.

His body was torn to shreds; his torso ripped open with fang marks etching at his skin. His leg was slashed open, and bleeding out.. His wide empty icy eyes seemed to show my reflection as I let a tear fall onto his face. I wiped it away, smudging blood and smearing his eyeliner.

I cried as I held up his limp head to the light coming from the hall. From that place, an officer came running out with a gun in his hands.

(They must've gotten lost in this crazy maze.. I don't blame them but..)

They should have been here. Where were the "authorities" when you really needed them huh?! Why are the so incompetent that they can't come to save my friend as he was dying?! If they had been here sooner he would still be alive!! I hate this!!

I stood up and away from Johnnie's body, letting the "professionals" check for a pulse.

(He's already dead, morons!)

A tear ran down my cheek as I watched them touch him. I got an intense urge to throw them off of him, and take him back to the hang out to fix him up, like it was only a scrape. I longed for a time machine.

If I hadn't thought this whole 'ghost hunt' thing up, none of this would be happening. I should've just asked to spend the night at Ry's. That would have been fun, not this. Why did I think this up?! Why did I pick this? Why do the others listen to anything I say anymore?!

How would I regain their trust after this? Hell will freeze over before Mavis will look me in my eyes. Y/n is going to chew my ears off. Ryan is going to up and leave the Country after this. And J—

I wept.

After a couple seconds the officers "concluded" that Johnnie was gone. (I already knew that you idiots) I scoffed at myself and walked to a female officer, not at ALL thinking of what I was doing. I grabbed the gun from its place on her hip, and cocked it, aiming for her head.

"Get away from him, or I shoot." I demanded. The man that sat over Johnnie stiffened, raising his head at my words. I stepped away from the woman, so she couldn't try to take the gun back or anything.

Two officers were stationed by the entrance of the hall, their faces rather shocked. I was the one who called them here, and now look at me; about to shoot them.

The man stood up slowly with his hands raised. "We can talk this ou—"

"No. No we can't." I cut him off just before I pulled the trigger, sending a bullet through the woman's skull. I hadn't expected the recoil to be as intense as it was; my hand jerked backward, and I accidentally shot the ceiling. Dust fell from the floor of the third story, landing gently atop my head. The officers were now rushing at me with their guns drawn, aimed at my chest.

I set off a couple more shots at them, not necessarily aiming, just shooting in their general direction. The man yelped as a bullet penetrated his shoulder, spewing blood onto the already soaked floor.

I then shot more precise, and hit the "money." Right in the head. (I need more bullets..) I checked the cartridge quickly, and saw I only had one left. (I need his gun.) I bolted for the man's body, reaching for the gun in his limp hand. Another officer shot my leg, making me scream like a banshee. It felt like the bullet went through my knee cap, but I knew I wouldn't be able to stand if that happened, and I was relatively okay as I stood to shoot at the men again. There were only the two by the entrance to the hall.

Many shots were fired after that, most coming from me, and all the officers were killed. (Finally,) I slumped down next to Johnnie, now covered in blood and injuries. My knee felt as though it would fall of if I moved wrong, but I didn't care. I wanted Johnnie safe. I picked him up and carried him outside, heading for our hang out. It took a hell of a lot longer than last time, due to Johnnie's weight and me limping, not to mention the sun was down, and all the light I had was the moon; but we got there soon enough. My leg seemed to get better as I walked, confirming my suspension that that shot was just to stun me.

I set him on the big blue bean bag, letting him sink into it. My eyes were still wet with tears as I picked up the first aid kit. I can't believe he's gone..

I cleaned his wounds as best I could, but his blood wasn't done coming out of his broken body. I cried as I sewed up his torso, his blood caking my hands.

When I was finished fixing him up, I carried him to the back of the old shack we deemed our own, and lay him in the leaves. There weren't any flowers around to give him, but he never liked that kind of stuff anyways. I placed stones around him, smooth ones, rough ones, round ones, ones that didn't have names for their shapes. I wiped his bangs out of his eyes, shutting his eyelids. I cried one last tear and headed back inside the shack.

(Now what?! Johnnie is dead, Y/n, Ryan, and Mavis are all missing, and I'm left with a murder house with dead police officers inside!! How the Heck do I fix this mess?!) I stood staring at the wall that held what we called our "Bulletin Board." Written by today's date and circled were the words; "GhOsT hUnT bOiZ"

it was Johnnie's writing. Only he wrote things as sloppy as that.

"Some letters are just easier to write capitalized," He had told us. I remember laughing at that. I remember Y/n smiling at that, Mavis and Ry too. But I was the only one who laughed.

I wept yet again and began throwing a tantrum. I threw a bottle of water at the tack board, it exploded and wetted everything on it. I kicked the bean bags, sending them flying a couple feet, hitting the side of the shack. I continued to break things and wept more.

(I haven't done this sort of thing since I was little,) I laughed at my idiotic actions, and cleaned up my mess. (Y/n is going to kill me if she sees this,)


I ran out of the shack, and headed towards the old house. I didn't look back.

To my utter surprise, a couple of women stood in the house, cleaning up the blood and shells. The bodies of the officers were gone, and replaced by these girls.

One looked up at me, her face covered by a white mask. "You did this?" She asked demandingly. I simply nodded and began to help clean. When we were 'finished,' She introduced herself along with the other girls. She asked where I came from and why. It was a full on interrogation. I answered as many questions as I could without crying, but one hit me hard.

"Why'd you up and kill these officers? I thought you called them."

"..Well they... They weren't here when I needed them.. Johnnie died because of their incompetence." I clenched my fists to keep from sobbing.

Jane nodded, the others following suit. Sally sat on the couch next to me, holding her bear, Clockwork sat on the other side of me.

"You're not alone."

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