(29) I dont know what to name this chapter, so its name is Charlie 😌

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I drew dat >:3

_Zacharie's Point Of View_

Jeff and Y/n went on a kill, leaving me to slip my letter in her room. (Finally..) Johnnie followed close behind me as I walked through the white door. (Where's a good place to leave this..?)

"Hey Zack?" Johnnie's hushed voice broke my stare around the room. He sounded like he wanted my full attention..

"Yeah..?" I turned to him, my face scrunched in confusion.

"I feel really weird.." He was staring at me intently, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Well maybe that's because you're a ghost." I sat on her bed, sliding my letter into a drawer in her nightstand. (That's a good place.)

"No, that's the opposite of the feeling I have; I feel like I'm being watched.."

"That's impossible. I'm the only one who can see you."

"That's my point.. it's weird.." he was scanning the doorway, a curious scared look on his face. (I wonder what it is..)

I didn't have to wait long to find out. Her sweet voice seemed to echo in the calm quiet room. Her hand against her hip, leaning on the doorframe, a sly smile on her face, she giggled softly. My eyes drew wide as a bead of sweat trailed slowly down my neck.

"Hello, you two. How's Y/n?"

My voice quivered, coming out of my mouth like a pathetic squeak. ".. M—Mavis?!"


_Y/n's Point Of View_

Roddy flung himself in my direction, wailing about seeing a monster. He threw his arms around me, still shedding tears.

"Y/n!! Finally a familiar face!!" He squealed.

"What are you going out here??" I peeled him off my shoulders, catching a stolen breath.

"Me and Robbie wanted to go camping, and we wanted to be surrounded by trees, so-so we went pretty far in, and we came to this shack place. We checked it out, but then.. we saw bodies.. A-a-a girl and a boy.. sh-she was mutilated.. he was torn open.. w-we-we booked it after that, b-but I lost Robbie on my way to find help, and then I saw it. The monster.."

(He made it all the way in the wrong direction.. the hang out is actually close to the tree line, idiots.) "What monster?" I drew myself back, peeking over my shoulder, seeking Jeff's figure. But he wasn't there.

Turning back to the boy in front of me, the look on his face turned from fear to terror. "It was tall.."

(I already know where this is going..)
"Tall, no face, black things coming out of its back?"

"You've seen it too?!" He rejoiced at my having seen Slender as well. "I'm so glad that I'm not going crazy!"

"Heh.. I'm not so sure that my seeing it too is a good thing, Rod." I was grabbed by the elbow and was dragged further into the forest. He mumbled something that I didn't quite catch, supposedly some snarky comment— in which case I'm glad I didn't hear. Roddy and I never saw eye to eye..


He dragged me around for at least an hour, my feet aching along with my head. He'd been prattling on about how scary that monster was, barely taking time to breathe.

I turned my head behind us, seeing a dark figure flash by. (Was that Jeff? What is he doing?) I saw his head poke out from behind a tree, a frown staining his face. (Is Roddy making him upset? Is it because he's holding my arm?) I smiled at him, and turned back to the idiot in front of me.

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