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"Y/n.." Jeff's almost silent plea was heard by no one. Not even himself. He could feel the floor beneath his chin, the old wood rough against his tender, aching skin. She was all he wanted right then. Not even a doctor. Not a drop of medicine. Not even a bandaid. He only wanted her soft fingers to trail his cheeks, and hold his hands. He wanted her touch. Her soft, gentle touch. Her sweet, sweet, tender lips to kiss at his own rough mouth. He wanted to snuggle up to her warm body, bury himself in her, and let her stoke her fragile fingers through his messy hair. He wanted to taste her. Taste her lips, and her soft, smooth skin. He wanted Y/n.

Zacharie's vision was fading quickly. He could feel his eyes beginning to bulge from his sockets, a feeling that came overly unsettling. His throat could no longer pass oxygen to his lungs, the pressure cutting off any hope of him breathing normally again. His fingers pried hopelessly at Aizel's claws, his movements frantic and weak. His head began to pound, the lack of blood beating his head to a color not meant for human skin. His ligaments soon began to sway at the demon's slight movement, his arms going limp.

Both boys lost consciousness, fading into the dark of their restraint and injury. Jeff's final sigh was the uttering of a name that meant much to him. Zacharie's final thought was unknown.

Slender, with his body weakened, and his healing powers postponed, readied himself. Aizel, his head high, and his ego enhanced, dropped Zacharie to the floor with a smile. Both supernatural beings leapt at the same instant, clashing their claws.

"What could you possibly hope to gain for doing this?!" Slender growled at the demon, thrusting his tentacles shooting through the dark smoke.

"What, do you think I measly want status? I want to rule. Finally take my rightful place over the damned."

"And you think you deserve that?"

"Not so. It's because I don't deserve it that I want it." Aizel swung up his fist through Slender's tentacles, and socked him in his bloody 'face.' The monster grunted, and staggered back, bumping into his desk. The demon was about to pounce on him when—

"Dear lord, Slender. What the hell happened here?" His shadowy figure loomed in the doorway, curious and frightened faces peeking from behind him. Offender knelt down next to Zacharie, his usual devil's smile gone. "You've intruded this family far enough, demon. You will leave or die. Make your choice." His claw like fingers grazed over Zacharie's forehead.

"And I am to obey the lesser? What do you take me for?"

"I take you for what you are." Offender stood once again, "A smudge on the window. A smear of shit on my boots." His white tendrils burst from his back, shooting for the demon's head. A splash of black and blue blood spat to Slender's nonexistent face, a sign of actual progress.


Something that works.

Ben ran into the room, and slung Jeff's limp body over his shoulders. "Oh—geez, you need to lay off the donuts." He repositioned Jeff, and attempted to exit but—

"No, let him die."

"Jane, seriously?! Now is not the time—!"

"Everyone, take them and run." Offender for once was going to be useful. His tentacles retracted from Aizel, only to shoot into him again. The demon made horrible screeching as each point hit.

Would he fail his mission? No, he couldn't. He promised. Whatever promises meant to humans was nothing compared to the promise Aizel made. Nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Jane and Clockwork picked Zacharie up by the shoulders, and hoisted him through the door. Aizel could feel the pain and anger levels rise. He was going to lose. No. He can't lose. He worked too damn hard to get here. It can't have all been for nothing. It can't.

Aizel gripped Offender's tentacles in his claws, and ripped them from his face. This was the first time in such a long time since he'd drawn blood. It felt so strange. So..


Helen and Jack steadied Y/n in their arms, and carried her out, trying not to bump her feet on the doorframe.

The demon panicked. "No don't take her—!!" He yelled, but was cut off by Offender as he stabbed his claw-like fingers into the demon's face, spewing more blood. He needed Y/n. She was his escape plan. If all else failed, he could just go back inside her, and be safe.

He can't lose now.


"What does it take to kill a bloody demon?!" Offender bellowed, beginning to punch Aizel. He pummeled him to the floor, and began kicking him. Aizel yelped in pain, attempting to get away, and fight back, but—

"Die. Die, and leave my children alone." Slender threw his fists at Aizel, smashing his head open.

The demon was dead.

"Well." Offender patted his brother's back as he looked down at the demon's body as it began to disintegrate. "That sure was an ordeal."

"Oh, shut up." Slender hung his head in exhaustion, loosening his muscles. "We need to check on the children."

"Of course. I think they'll be fine." Offender smiled, showing his devil teeth once again.


Zacharie couldn't feel his toes. It kinda tickled actually.

His dark brown eyes slowly opened, his gaze being mirrored by icy blue. Johnnie stared down at the barely conscious Zack, worried.

"Johnnie? What happened?" His voice was croaky, and now that he spoke, his throat was scratchy.

"You don't remember being strangled by a demon?" Mavis frowned, sitting at the end of Zack's bed.

Johnnie smiled. "You'll be alright though. You've always seen strong, Zack." He patted his shoulder roughly, showing him that his pain would mean nothing soon.

"I guess. Thanks." The boy closed his eyes again, feeling a wave of exhaustion.

Johnnie sighed. "Good night. Hey, Mave? When he fully wakes up, we should tell him."

"Tell him what?" She asked, confused.

"About Ryan."


_Jeff's Point Of View_


I've never felt such agonizing pain in my life.

It hurt so bad.

And I'm not talking about my wounds. I mean my heart.

It's been a couple days since that demon was killed, and yet, my Y/n still hasn't woken up. I'm worried. I worried so bad that it hurts.

Okay, and my abdomen hurts too, but that's not important.

Y/n was important.

I stared hopelessly down at her beautiful face. She was asleep still. And how pretty she was while doing it. I gripped her delicate hands in mine, twining and playing with our fingers.

I don't regret being dramatic that day. The day I kissed her, I mean. For the first time. I'd only done it because she needed something to distract her, but I may have jumped the gun. However, I'm glad I did. I'm glad I kissed her after she'd killed Mavis, and flirted with her so much. Or else, would she love me back at all? Would she have been attracted to me in any way? Probably not.

Which is why I'm glad.

I'm glad that I'm a moron, as stupid as that sounds. If hadn't acted like a moron, I wouldn't be in love.

And I like being in love.

I like being in love with you, Y/n.

I love you.

So please wake up. Wake up for me, sweetie.

Proofreading is overrated xD jk
That was too long for too short a chapter.
I mean I do care, but not enough.
I need a nap, and a cookie.
I'm hangry and sleepy.
I'm sorry.

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