(19) The Plot Thickens? Pt1

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I plopped myself down on the couch, Jeff following close behind. It's been a couple days since we kissed, and he hasn't done that to me since so.. I wondered if he even meant it. It was probably just to calm me down.. It hasn't been awkward between us though, I feel closer to him somehow.

"Heya, Y/n!!" Toby skipped over to us, sitting on my left and wrapping an arm around me. I smiled and hugged him back, leaning against him. He was being so cute again I couldn't help it. looked to Jeff, who had a blank expression, and was simply staring at the TV screen. We were going through the Gravity Falls episodes like an Otaku to their favorite Anime.

Dipper was wandering around in Stan's mind, and got a hole in his torso. (I remember this one,) All of a sudden, I heard a sob. I turned to the sound, slumping over the back of the couch.

"Zack? Are you alright?! What's wrong?!" I stood and rushed to him, hugging my friend tightly. He slung himself on my shoulder, and pulled up his mask to wipe away his tears.

"Nothing that can be helped," he said, chuckling a bit. I rubbed his shoulders, and pressed a care filled kiss on his head. (Oh Zack.. He's thinking about how Johnnie died, isn't he?) I remembered hearing him tell the story and sadly joined in and sobbed with him.

"Y/n?" The voice belonged to Jeff, but it sounded ever so far away, like he was across a plain from us. "Y/n." He repeated, sounding more urgent, and a little closer.

I looked up at him yet again, with a mess of a face. I looked him in his wide blue eyes, the color taking me to a happy place.

"Y/n, will you come here?"

I stood up obediently, and came to sit with him again, Zack holding my hand. I sat amongst my friends, leaning on Jeff, and hugging Zack. Toby patted my head every once in a while, reassuring me.

Jeff's hands slid around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. I let go of Zack unintentionally, and caught my hands on Jeff's chest to steady myself. We locked eyes for a moment before he began stroking my hair, gliding his fingers through it, and clasping the ends between his fingertips. I sighed as his expression became caring and sweet. Just the sight of his smile was honestly uplifting.

"Are you going to keep staring at me?" He said as he leaned himself forward to meet my gaze properly. He now wore a naughty smirk, and I knew what he was thinking.

I smiled at him and hit his shoulder as I subconsciously leaned in as well. He grabbed my chin between his pointer's knuckle and his thumb, pulling me in. I closed my e/c eyes, awaiting the feeling of his lips, but—

Just as our lips grazed each other, he pulled back, letting go of my chin.

(Damn you.)

"Why, You Little—" I hit his shoulder and slid off of him. But before I could completely stand up, his arms wrapped themselves around my waist, dragging me back to his lap. I landed with an "oof!" and glared at him.

"Aw c'mon, don't look at me like that," he pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly. "I just don't want you to cry anymore, is that so wrong?" His dried and cracked lips pressed against my forehead, and I instantly giggled at the tickling sensation.

"You're special." I said as I kissed his forehead, like he'd done to me. Only I think my kiss was softer.

_Zacharie's Point Of View_

I stared at Y/n as she sat on the freakazoid's lap. He was practically kissing her! I forcibly stopped my tears to glare at the freak, his dried lips deadly close to her soft sweet ones..

I fidgeted with my fingers as the distance got smaller and smaller between them, my blood now boiling. Ah, but to save the moment, her eyes closed, and the freak looked over at me for a spit second. Good thing I was glaring, or else he probably wouldn't have released her and leaned back.

She hit his shoulder standing up. But before she could get to her feet, he grabbed her waist, taking her back and setting her on his lap once more. (Dang it!!) I grumped.

Her giggle emanated from her mouth as he kissed her forehead. She hugged him tightly and kissed his in return.

My attention strayed as Offender walked in. I remember Slender saying today was the last day his brother would be here, and I wanted to say goodbye to him. I stood from the couch, and approached the tall being, a smile hidden behind the mask he'd given me.

"So," I awkwardly played with the hem of my sweater, looking up at the thing.

"So." He replied, sounding more confident.

"So, this is it?"

"I'm afraid so, boy. We will meet again, don't you worry. Promise me you'll miss me?" The thing chuckled. "Farewell, Zacharie." He drew his lanky white figures to sweep through my hair.

"Farewell, Offender. Thank you." I laughed, thanking him one last time, before he vanished.

I sighed and turned back to the couch where FreakBoy was ticking Y/n. Tch! It's like they were together or something! >:/

"Jeff! StAAHHHP!!" She cried as he climbed on top of her, getting a better angle on her torso.

"Now why would I do that?" He teased her, flattening his hands against her sides. She sat up panting, and hugged the creep.

I rolled my eyes at the scene, and left, entering the kitchen. As I walked through the doorway, Mavis ran out, shoving me aside. Ryan—Ryuuk I mean, came running out after her, calling her name.

"What's going on, you two?!" I asked as I chased them to the front door.

Mavis yelled a couple curses before storming out into the woods, Ryuuk in toe, trying to stop her.

"Slender, what happened?!"

The thing crossed it's arms, and peeked out the doorway. "Mavis doesn't wish to die. She'd gotten angry with me, and you saw the rest." He said, leaning back, and turning his blank canvas face towards the couch. "Those two won't get far through— these woods are special. They consistently reset, keeping the wanderer to stay lost until their final moments."

Y/n stood from the couch, and started out the door after our friends. I caught her arm before she could get onto the porch, turning to Slender. "If Y/n goes in there too, will she—?"

"Yes. It is meant for all." The tall thing cut me off, reaching out to pull us back inside. "Jeffrey knows his way, however. Take him along with you. And When the time comes, you will know what to do."

"What does that mean?!" Y/n questioned, her voice shaky.

(Is he saying that SHE has to kill them?!! Why would he do that to her?!!)

He didn't answer my thoughts, only pushed us, along with the freak out to the porch. Jeff grabbed Y/n's hand and walked off into the thick woods.


"MAVIS! RYAN!!" Y/n has been yelling out their names for a good twenty minutes, I'm starting to worry for her voice. It kept breaking, she was wheezing now..

Freak put his hand on her shoulder, stopping her from stepping in a rusty bear trap. "Ryuuk! Where are you two?!" I yelled, cupping my hands on either side of my mouth. I dropped my mask in the house.. I feel naked.

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