(26) Division

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This is where things get stupid.
I cried.. probably because I'm on my period, but still x.x
I'm sorry.

"What do you mean I have to kill him?!!" I shouted to Slender. His words had dissatisfied me, making me angry. His tendrils extended from his back, and wrapped themselves around my body, then lifted me up to be eye level with him. If he had eyes, that is.

"I mean exactly what I said, child. You will kill him. You will kill him by my word, and My word is your law, mortal. You will obey me. Kill him. If you truly wish to stay here with us, you will do as I say." Slender's blank face was no longer blank. His skin peeled down and ripped open to reveal a set of sharp teeth.

I squeaked out of fear, and the monster set me down. His face returned to normal, mending itself as quickly as it ripped apart. "I apologize, Y/n. I am only stressed, not angry. I am sorry to have frightened you, child." He drew his tentacles back into his body, and pressed his fingers to his temples.

I nodded my forgiveness, understanding his level of stress. With a house full of this many crazy teenagers who wouldn't be stressed?

I looked to Ryan, his figure slumped on the couch with his head hung low, sobbing. I couldn't kill him. He did nothing to me.

"And did Mavis do something to you? You killed her out of your selfish rage." Slender had a point, but I felt no anger towards Ryan, I couldn't just kill him because He said to. That being said, I don't have any other choice, do I? This is my life now; I am literally obligated to kill people, no matter their origin or relation. I am bound by Slender's law; his words. I must do this.


Look at him..

His sandy brown hair curled around his face, sticking up from lack of combing. His watery hazel eyes were still full of life and wonder, I couldn't enforce them to fog. His fingers were a pale trembling mess, practically ticking like Toby often does.

I can't hurt him. He's too innocent.

I looked back at Jeff, his wide eyes were curious as to what I would do. "Go on," he urged. (Oh yeah, easy for you to say)

"I can't. I'm so sorry, Slender. I'm sorry, Jeff. But I can't kill him. I care about him—I'm not going to hurt someone that I care about." I tried to sound firm, but My voice was shaky. I clenched my fists, and glared at the floorboards. (I simply cannot kill my friend.)

"Oh, come on, Y/n." Jeff smiled at me, walking over and hugging me. "You killed that girl, you can kill Him too. They don't matter anymore, remember?"

(That's right.. What he said before..)

"They didn't matter anymore. Not in this life— Not in the life you now share with us. They won't matter ever again."

I cried. I cried into his hoodie, just like I used to. I gripped at his hoodie strings, pulling him closer to me. He stroked my back, humming to me to calm me.

"But I can't.." I sniffled. "It's like.. telling me to kill you, Jeff! I just couldn't.."

"Shhh, Y/n. I know this is hard, but I know that you can do it! I've told you before that I believed in you: and the circumstances haven't changed. Listen," He pushed my body from his, and looked into my puffy e/c eyes. "I love you. I love you so much, Y/n, I know you can beat this fear. Come on, Sweetheart, smile. Smile for me." He handed me his knife, and turned me by the shoulders to face Ryan.

(For.... You..)

I stepped closer to Ryan, keeping the knife at my side. When I was directly in front of him, I smiled. (I'll smile for you, Jeff. But I won't say I like it—)

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