(24) For You~

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Jeff kissed me, gripping my waist, and led me to the bed where the two lovebirds lie. He gripped at the edge of the blanket, and pulled the corner back. As if realizing something urgent, he flinched, turning to me. He gestured for me to go to the girl's side of the bed, and I obeyed.

Jeff pulled the covers back farther to reveal that two were.. not exactly clothed..

I averted my eyes and stared at Jeff as he poked at the man's shoulder. The man peeped open a brown eye, letting a small irritated groan escape him. My eyes traveled to the man's, and we stared at each other for a couple seconds.

"Who... Are you?" He asked, beginning to sit up. He gasped and reached for his blanket, trying to cover himself. Jeff grabbed the man's arm, and jerked him to the floor. He yelped and landed with a thud, awaking the woman. She screamed and backed herself against the wall, clutching at the blanket in terror.

Jeff bent down and whispered something in the man's ear, before he began stabbing the him in the chest, again and again. I watched curiously as blood spat all over the room, and scooted myself onto the bed, and sat with the screeching woman. Jeff stood from his crouched position, and began writing on the wall with his bloodied knife; "GO TO SLEEP" He then looked over at me. His shirt was covered in blood, as was his face. His unblinking eyes even had droplets of that red liquid on them. He smiled a deranged smile at me, crawling across the bed to meet my gaze properly in the low light.

His face came close to mine, his hands securing themselves around my waist, though one was still clutching the knife. The look in his crazed blue eyes was want. I could tell he wanted to skip the killing and just be with me, but the woman continued screaming and—

"Oh for Fucks sake!" Jeff grabbed her by her hair, and buried her face into the covers. "I can't focus on her with you screaming like that!"

I smiled at him, holding his neck, and pulled him to my lips. I placed a caring kiss against his lips, and stood from the bed. He gave me a cute dreamy look, and stood next to me, holding out his knife for me to take.

I was hesitant, but I grasped the blade firmly, and walked to where the woman was crying into the bed sheets. Her hand clutched her lover's limp arm as she let out sheer wails. I hesitated again. I don't know these people, what business do I have trying to kill them? This woman is torn apart, her heart is broken, and it's our fault. I looked over to Jeff.

"You can do it. I believe in you, Y/n."

I stiffened. I know that I love Jeff— well maybe, maybe not— but I know that I Feel like I should love him, and that's enough. Even though this request is crazy..(I love him. I will do what he asks of me; I will try to kill this innocent woman: for him.)

A song popped into my head; "For You." I remembered hearing it from Johnnie— he practically forced me to listen to it— and I thought it sounded like a good edgy love song. My mind sung the words as I smiled at Jeff.

-"I'm so crazy~ But I just may be~ the type of personality that complements your styyyyyyle~ And I'm just waiting for the day you save me~ From myself 'cause I can't help the way I feel for you~ For You~"-

I turned back to her, tears still running down her cheeks. I took a step closer, only she scurried to the floor where her dead lover lied. Jeff came behind me, pressing at my back trying to get me to go closer. I was still uneasy, but I managed to kneel on the floor next to the two. Jeff grabbed hold of the woman's hair, causing her to screech again, and hold still.

(Thank you Jeff.) I raised his knife, aiming for her face, just like I had with Mavis, and plunged the steel into the eye. She roared in pain, coming to her death, but I wasn't done. The thought of Mavis made me angry again, and pulled the knife out to stab her again, listening to her screams of agony. It died down after a second or two though, and I looked up at Jeff. I smiled at him.

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