(27) Heartbreak

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_Jeff's Point Of View_

My Y/n did it. She killed him.. I knelt down, gripping her shoulder as gently as I could, her warmth flooding my ice cold hand. She was always so warm..

I could have kissed her.



"I hate you."

(What?) I took my hand back from her shoulder, and set it to my side. (What does she mean she hates me?! Doesn't she remember this morning?! How can she say she hates me?!)

I tried to say something, however my words caught in my throat. I could only stand there and hold in a cry of frustration. My head pounded with a rage, and I glared at her friend as he squatted down to hug her.

"N/n, you don't mean that."

She sobbed words that ripped at my heart, if I had a functional one that is.

"Yes I do. I do mean it. I hate him. I hate all of them." She croaked.

Zack rose his head to Slender's direction, then turned to me. His face was always covered by that mask of his, so of course I had no idea what he was thinking. He helped Y/n off the floor and led her past me. He ducked his head down, and sped up his pace, heading for the staircase. I glared after them, and went up behind them to my room.

I slammed my door behind me, and growled in anger. (How can she say she hates me?! Just this morning she.. she said that she loved me..)

I sort of blacked out after that..

And when my vision came together, I was clenching my pillow. I looked around my room, noticing that it was trashed. Everything breakable was broken, my shelves were knocked over.. my knives were everywhere.

(Did.. Did I do all of this?)

I smushed my pillow to my face, and let out an exasperated groan. (Now I have to clean all this shit up..) I ignored my sad attempt at getting myself up, and laid myself down on my messy sheets. (Y/n why would you say that to me? I know you're under stress, but that's when you Go to your boyfriend, not push him away.. Unless he's an idiot.) Did she think I'm an idiot?

Y/n, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please come back to me, baby..


_Johnnie's Point Of View_

I stared as Jeff began sobbing. He scrunched the pillow in his hands and pressed it to his face. He sniffed and laid down, still crying. (What the Hell happened down there?!)

I figured that this was enough to tell Zack, so I turned back and ran to his room. I walked through the closed door, and frowned at Zack. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking Y/n's hair.

"Zack," His head shot away from Y/n and stood.

"How is he? Is he still upset?" He whispered.

" 'Upset' doesn't even begin to tell what I just saw. He was bawling. Bawling, Zack. Eh-h—How are we going to fix this? If the both of them stay like this.."

Zack nodded, a sad expression on his finally uncovered face. He sat back down on the bed, and rubbed her shoulder. I had a strange urge to make him stop, but ignored it and focused on Y/n as she stirred. Her h/c hair fell over her eyes, casting a small shadow on her cheek. (She's been through too much lately..) I sat with the both of them, and hummed a song.

After a couple seconds, Zack joined me, and we hummed Dance With the Dead for Y/n. I soon sung the words as Zack softly kept the tune steady for me.

"Where the band never sleeps, the dead waltz through the streets, and I'm slowly~ falling. There's a voice in my head, whispering softly it says: 'Join me— dance. Dance, dance. Dance with the dead.'"


_The Next Morning_

I can't even begin to describe how depressed Y/n looked.. it's not even been twenty-four hours, and it was evident that she was in pain. So, I've been trying to devise a plan. But it's not going incredibly well..

Zack sat on his bed, and stared up at me with wide and worried brown eyes. "What if we asked Slender to—"

"No, I don't think he'd do anything for us.. Keep thinking." I paced the room in thought, my fingers against my lips. "How's about we pretend like she's in love with someone else? Then maybe Jeff will get jealous. What do you think?"

Zack stared at me as I awaited an answer. He pressed his finger to his lips in thought like I had. "I dunno.. she'd have to be in on it, and seeing as how she doesn't want to talk to him at all, there'd be no reason for her to—"

"Zacharie, I don't care. I want her happy. She needs to be happy— she needs a rest from all of this shit! And we need to help her. Didn't you say that Ryan said the same thing?! He wanted her to be happy too—!"

"Yes, But what if she doesn't want helping? What if she doesn't want to get back together with Jeff? What if Jeff isn't the answer? What if she just wants to have her space? We'd be in her way; ...I think we should just leave her be."

I sighed. He had a point.. But I didn't want to give up. There had to be SOME way to make her feel better. She deserves so much more than what all she has. I need to save her from this pit of depression. I need to.


_Two Devastating Days Later_

Zack knocked on Jeff's door, a nervous look on his uncovered face. We had a plan; we were doing it tonight. Before things got too bad.

We heard something on the other side of the door fall, and Jeff grunt. (Was that him tripping?) I laughed as I thought about it. He soon opened the door, and peeked through the crack. "What is it?" His breaking voice asked. Zack tensed, but spoke nevertheless.

"Listen, Jeff.... Y/n needs you. —Now I know you probably don't want to talk to her right now, but you are all she has. She won't let me help her, and you're the only other person that she cares about here.. She needs you, Don't tell me that you can't hear her crying, her room is right here." He threw his hand over his shoulder to point at her room. "Please Jeff. You are what she needs to calm down. Please. She's been like this for days now. Help her." He begged. It was not the best way to urge someone to do something, but apparently it worked.

Jeff hung his head, and stepped out. "Why would she want to see me? She said she hates me.."

"I know what she said. But, Jeff, she was upset; people say and do things irrationally when they're upset. Take it from me, I know. I've said and done some really stupid things when I was angry." Zack grabbed Jeff by the shoulders and shook him some. "She only needed a minute to clear her head, and it's been days! She's overly likely thinking straight now; this is the best time to engage. Talk to her."

With one final jerk of Zack's hands, Jeff pushed past us, barging into her room. He looked pissed..

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