(33) Possessed

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_Zacharie's Point Of View_

I carried Y/n into my room, and laid her in my bed, pulling the covers over her limp shoulders. I sighed as I sat on the floor, looking up at Johnnie. He leaded against the wall, looking like his usual— when he was alive that is—badass self.

"What'll happen now?" He asked, turning to Mavis, his hair falling over his eyes again. She only shrugged in return to his gaze. They both looked solemn, triggering me to be sad as well. (Poor Y/n. Can't she get a break? Her life is a roller coaster!) Slumping my back against the side of my bed, I groaned.

"Hey Johnnie? What time is it?"

He shrugged, flopping down next to me. "I'm just a little tired of crazy things happening. Just a little bit." The intense sarcasm in his voice shred through my thoughts.

"Yeah, well, things are only going to get worse from here. When and if Y/n wakes up is up the thing inside her. And if it finally does happen, she won't even remember what happened to her. And then we have to pretend she was fine the whole time and not freak her out." I peeked up at her, that dead look on her face. (She doesn't deserve this.)

Johnnie shifted, looking at her as well. "I wonder what they're talking about? I mean, either time flows differently in the mind, or it's gotta be an intense conversation for it to be lasting this long. Y'know?"

"I suppose." I didn't give his words any thought. In fact, I wasn't even listening. I stared at her. My poor friend..

All of the sudden, Slender barged in. He tread over to us, and started to uncover Y/n. "I'm sensing something. I think she is waking."

Fit to his words, Y/n shot up, gasping desperately. "AIZEL!!" She screamed something I didn't understand, clawing away from Slender, backing herself against the wall. "NO!!"

"Calm down, Y/n!" I pulled myself up on the bed next to her, putting my hands out. If she sees it's just me, she'll calm down right? "it's okay. What's wrong?"

She sat there breathing heavily for a few moments, before lunging herself at me. She grabbed me by the shoulders and hugged me, very tightly might I add. "Zack! I missed you!" I heard the familiar sound of her voice cracking as she began to cry.

"Hey now, it's okay, n/n. I'm right here." I tried calming her down, hugging her carefully.

"I had the most messed up dream." She huffed. (It wasn't a dream, n/n..)

Slender wrapped her in his tentacles, and lifted her away from me. "I will take her to my office, if she or I are needed, you may find us there." He stated simply, turning away with her. Her head hung again as the two reached the door. I assume she fell under again.


_Third Person Point Of View_ because so much happens here x.x

Slender laid Y/n down on the small sofa in his office. She still looked incredibly dead, like she had no more life in her at all.

Slender was getting worried. Sure he'd seen something like this before, but it wasn't one of his children that time. He was scared that he would lose his newest daughter, and to a demon no less. What would he do if she did die? What would the other children do? Slender didn't wish to think on it, he only slumped in his desk chair. He piled up a couple pieces of paper, mostly letters to, and from his brothers, staking them neatly.

He glanced over at the crumpled boy sitting in the corner. He was injured greatly, but insisted that he stay awake, Jeff glared at Slender. "What happened down there?" He demanded. Slender didn't answer, only shook his head. "Well at least tell me this: What will happen?" The monster let out an exasperated sigh, standing up.

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