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_Zacharie's Point Of View_

i ran and ran farther and farther from the house. I just had to hope that Y/n and the other's would be okay until i got back. I finally reached the edge of the woods and took a moment to breathe. I started again and headed straight for our hang out spot. If i could get the cops, they'd be just fine. Just fine. Fine. I repeated the word to calm my nerves.

I reached the hang out and flung open the door. I staggered inside and grabbed my phone, instantly dialing 911. (Wait.) If I got the cops, we'd get in deep trouble for disturbing private property. Whatever, If I get thrown In JAIL It wouldn't stop me from saving Y/n.

The line finally connected, and Not even giving whoever picked up a moment to register, I rambled information. I soon started the dash back to the old house. (Y/n.. PLEASE be okay)

After what felt like an eternity, I made it back to the place, and darted for the back of the building. (Just hide. You'll be fine...) I thought, taking a step back behind the old structure.


_Y/n's Point Of View_

Ryuuk was pacing in circles, his fingers over his mouth in thought. I know i'm glad he's not here, but i wish Zack had been with us, He'd have an Idea. Not that I don't trust Ryuuk or anything. But Zack had a higher IQ.. just saying.

The boy finally stopped pacing and sat with me and Johnnie. Mavis was over by the door listening for voices. She sighed. "I can only hear that guy swearing about this 'Ben' guy touching his knives. On the up-side, It's funny to listen to," She giggled and came over to us.

I was getting a little antsy. I hope they don't kill us T~T I turned to Johnnie. He sighed. "I think I have an idea." He said standing up and walking to the door. He started pounding on it like crazy. It lasted a while until the door finally opened, revealing a bloody carved smile.

"Eat this, Mother Fucker," Johnnie shot his fist into the man's face, knocking him back, and falling onto the floor. "COME ON!!" He ran out, waving his hands, signaling our departure. He jumped over the recovering man on the ground, landing perfectly, and continuing out of the front door. I was close behind him and watched as he ran far away. Yes, that's right; i got caught.

The man grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor, and punched my side. (Ow. T-T) He grabbed my hoodie and yanked me upwards, holding me off the ground like he did in the woods. He didn't exactly look happy.

Out of almost nowhere, Ryuuk jumped on the man's back and hit him repeatedly with his small fists. It didn't do much. Mavis joined in and socked the guy right in the nose. The man grunted, dropping me, and I fell to the floor. I steadied and kicked his side, only to be held back from behind by another man. His arms looped up around my shoulders, keeping me from moving.

I flailed my arms and legs about, trying to get free. Mavis stepped towards me, evading the claws of the Clown, She had a good shot, socking yet another capture in the nose. ^^

The man was thrown back by her blow, and staggered back some, just barely loosening his grip, but just enough to let me escape. I turned around and threw my fist into his mask, and he fell backward. i gave a small cry of joy and turned to Mavis, who was wrestling with the Clown as the man on the floor watched.

I was grabbed from behind again, and the guy laughed slightly. "Hol-hold on, j-just stop!" He said, tightening his grip on my arms--


Wowie That was a bit much


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