(17) How It Happened Pt2

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I drew that picture!! \^^/ I love it.

I sat between Sally and Clockwork, both staring at me.

"You're not alone, Zack." Clockwork repeated. I sighed as yet ANOTHER tear slipped from my eyes. I slumped on the couch, sinking into the cushions, and hung my head. Jane coughed, cutting through the silence.

"No use moping around," she said as she clapped her hands together enthusiastically. "Let's get you a room."

"What? What do you mean? I'm staying here?" I asked, twirling my black hair between my fingers.

Clockwork stood and approached Jane, her arms crossed. "I don't know if that's a good idea.." she whispered, however, I could hear her.

"And why would it not be? I think Slender would love to have a new Proxy. I think he's worthy; just look at all the rest of this mess we have to clean!" Jane gestured towards the staircase that lead to the halls where I killed the officers.

"You really want me to stay?!" I stood up excited. Sally giggled and ran into the kitchen, leaving me with the older women.

The two turned their gazes to me, and Clockwork frowned, but Jane shrugged. "I think you'd fit RIGHT in."


"This one?" I asked as we reached a dark brown door, obviously painted differently than the rest of the house's doors. A few yards down the hall were the white and black doors, and just a little ways away was a blood stain that would probably stay there until the end of time. It was Johnnie's blood.

I turned into the room, scanning the walls carefully. "Yep." Jane said as she shoved me inside. I stumbled a little, and headed to a bed. (Not too shabby!) I thought as I laid my head down on a pillow.

I almost feel bad for Smile, I mean, I almost bashed his head in. He could have died. I'm so glad that Jane is as understanding as she is.. That little punk deserved it, but, I still felt cruel. I don't know why I felt as bad as I did. He killed Johnnie. I shouldn't feel any remorse for knocking him out like I did, but.. I did feel bad. Anyway, that room was pretty nice!

I slumped up into a ball, hugging my knees to my chest. At least it's comfy. I looked down at my blood covered converse. You couldn't even tell that the tips used to be white, they were so caked in blood. I still blame myself for all this. It was ALL my fault, and I can't help but think the others would never forgive me.

And with those depressing thoughts running through my head, I fell asleep.


A knock cut through my sleep, and I jolted awake, sitting up straight. I turned to the door where I assumed the sound was coming from. A tall thing loomed in the doorway. It's skin was pure white, and had no eyes, it did however have a.. mouth.. Devilish sharp teeth protruded from between it's lips, creating the utter most CREEPY smile I've seen in my life. A tie was around it's neck, and a dark trench coat was draped over it's broad shoulders. He knocked his knuckle on the door frame again.

"Good... morning..?" I waved, not knowing quite what to say. The thing chuckled, and stepped further into the room. He slid his hands into his pockets, and leaned down to be eye level with me.

I wanted to scream, but knew better, seeing that Jane was now in the doorway, looking rather amused by my expression. I slid myself further onto the bed, getting a good distance from the tall thing. It sat itself at the end of the bed, a smirk on his blank face. His voice was deep and chilling as he spoke.

"Jane tells me good things about you, Zacharie, was it?" It asked leaning towards me slightly. I shifted and nodded. I was terrified of this thing,

"I am Offenderman, brother to the owner of this house, Slenderman." He explained. I relaxed my tensed nerves, and pressed my back to the wall. The thing chuckled again.

"You may have a choice, dear boy." He paused, making me nervous again. "Will you stay here? Or will you come live with me and my Proxies?"

(Proxies? Like I work for you kind of proxy?) I looked back to my shoes and frowned. (I already know Jane and Clockwork, but there are many more people in this house that I have no idea what they are capable of. Frankly, I'm scared of both leaving this place and staying. What if where Offenderman lives is worse than this crazy train? I don't want to make the wrong decision here..) I sat up against the wall, scratching the back of my neck, knowing they wanted an answer, and that it had to be one of these two options.

"Well? What do you choose?" The thing asked, sounding very patient for my answer. I shrugged my shoulders out of uncertainty, and looked to Jane. She returned the gesture, and laughed.

"I wanted you to stay with us, but if you prefer Offender's place, that's fine too. we'll see you again no matter where you go." She laughed again.

I thought about everything. I don't know this thing. I like familiar things.

"I would rather stay here, if that's okay with everyone.." I said, my voice quiet. Offenderman didn't lose his smile, so I assumed he was fine with it. And I was correct.

"In any case," he began. "You can't look like such a normal boy if you're going to stay with Slenderman or myself." He said plainly, standing up and heading towards the door. "Follow me, boy."


"Whoa.. It looks so...—"

"Creepy?" Clockwork interrupted my contemplation, and slapped my back.

I payed her remark no mind, only held the mask in my palms. It was white with cat ears at the top. A wide grin greeted my gaze with blush marks above the corners of the cheeks. The eyes were hollowed out, and were a see through cloth that was outwardly seen as black, and I liked it.

In all honesty, I liked the whole thing. I tied the strings around my head, and chuckled. It felt natural on my face.

"If Trender were here, he'd have a fit," Jane laughed. (A family of tall monsters.. it's kinda funny if you think about it..)

"Why would they have a fit?" I asked, my voice muffled by my new mask. Clockwork patted my head, then pulled my chin to make me look down at my blood soaked clothing. (This was one of my favorite shirts too..) I tugged on my sweater, and pretend there was nothing wrong with it.

"So?" I shrugged.

"I have just the thing!" Offenderman clapped with an attempt to sound enthusiastic, but just sounded creepy instead. He left the room and returned not a moment later. He had in his pale hands, a sweater. It was white and had a black heart sewn crookedly on the front of it. I felt like it matched my mask perfectly, so I grabbed it.

"Try it! Let's see how it looks on ya!" Clockwork smiled. I was hesitant to just strip my shirt off in front of them, so I turned to face the wall. I hoped they didn't notice the scars on my back..


"I hope you liked the gifts, boy," Offenderman was about to leave, but Id asked him to stay the night. He surprisingly agreed.

"Oh I do!" I said as I looked down at my sweater. In truth I loved it very much. It suited my personality in every way.

It's a little crazy to think I will be staying here. I mean, this place is crazy in and of itself, does that make me crazy too?

Personally, I think it does. ;P

I feel like I made Offender too nice... ah well, too late to change anything.

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