(15)We're.... Back..

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"I feel a little cold..."

Zack screamed Johnnie's name, slamming the board over the wolf thing's head. It toppled over, howling in pain. The boy hit it again and again, until it began bleeding. He panted in exasperation, stumbling towards Johnnie. He screamed the boy's name again, picking up his limp head, rocking himself back and forth over his friend's dying body. The pain was fading, as was the boy's vision. Zack was now just a blurry dark figure, holding Johnnie's head in his lap. the boy could tell there was blood on his face, simply because Zack wiped it off, brushing his fingers softly over his cheek. He cried out his name again, and began to sob. He shoved his face into his chest, and wept. his cries of sorrow only made Johnnie tear up, and began to cry as well.

"Johnnie?!" he screamed. Johnnie tried to turn his eyes to him, but he couldn't move his gaze from the halls that lead to the staircase. A worry washed over Zack as he held his friend, a tear gliding down his cheek.

"No." He demanded. "No. You cannot die."


_Y/n's Point Of View_

"It was Slender," Said Toby as he stared at me, a slight worried expression stained on his face. His silver eyes locked with mine, and he sighed. "He was also the reason for that h-happy feeling the other day." he explained. Jeff walked over and sighed as well.

"Tobe, you said you wouldn't say anything about that," He chuckled, At what i don't know. i frowned.

"How?" i asked, my voice low.

"It's kinda a long s-story, but, He'll-He-He'll tell you someday." Said Toby, sliding off the counter. "Do we have any waffles?" He looked to Jeff, who shook his head with a smile.

Ben was still at the table, but was listening to everything. He chuckled, and asked how I was holding up. I didn't have any time to answer before Slender popped up out of nowhere.

"It's time to go, children." he said.

"Where?" i asked. the thing turned it's head in my direction, "I just wanted to know.. I am coming, aren't I?"

"Yes, my dear. You will come."


"Okay, so where are we going?" i asked again, a little impatient. He turned his head back towards the end of the room, where Jeff was playing with his hair, twirling it around his pale fingers.

"Back to my Mansion." The thing let his tentacles protrude from his back, and they wrapped themselves around all in the kitchen. I blinked.


"WHAT THE?" I stared at the couch of the first house, and frowned. We were all in pairs in a line; Jeff and me, then Ben and Mavis, Jack and Toby, The Clown, who's name i never found out, and Ryuuk. Masky and Hoodie I saw at the end of the room, seeming to be wanting to be away from the rest of us.

Looking around the room, I saw many other nightmarish faces staring at us. A girl with a clock instead of an eye frowned at me, and crossed her arms. Next to her was another woman in a black lace dress, Her face was covered with a white mask, but was seemingly less frightful than the others. A little girl was standing between them, holding hands with the woman with the white mask, and smiled shyly in my direction. To their left was another tall faceless man, like Slender, except he had a mouth that grinned with devil's teeth. A dark purple tie was around his neck loosely, and he tucked his thin hands into his pockets, looking proud.  Standing behind it, A dude with black hair and a white mask with a red streak forming a smile. He wore a loose blue button up with a yellow pin in the pocket. Honestly, he seemed like a fragile soul.

On the couch was a boy in a white sweater, a heart sewn on the front, slightly crooked. A mask with a devilish grin, with dots that resembled blush on the cheeks, and black eyes stared at me. at the top were ears that seemed to copy that of a cat's. The boy waved at me, his hand covered by black fingerless gloves, and chuckled, his shoulders bouncing, and his black messy hair falling over the eyes of his mask. He seemed familiar somehow..

--(Yes. This was my plan all along xD)--

I stared at the boy for a moment, then focused on Slender as he somewhat scowled at the other Slender across the room. His black tentacles protruded from his back, and slithered in my direction, seeming to be shielding me. I didn't protest as the things wrapped themselves around my ankles and lifted me up upside down. Slender held me in his arms as he walked past everyone to a staircase. (No more weird basements at least..) I thought as Slender set me down in front of a white door adjacent to a black one. We'd passed A blood stain on the floor that caught my attention, but I was a little afraid to ask what is was about. Plus, it was probably just the boys getting into an argument and got out of hand or something. Slender shoved me inside the door, and walked away without a single word.

I surveyed my new surroundings and concluded... (Crap.. is this... Am I going to live here with these guys?!) As if answering my question, Jeff waltzed in with a smirk on his face and a wolf looking thing behind him. It was huge with bloodstained black fur. The thing looked like Jeff but as a dog; It had a smile type thing cut into his face, revealing a set of fangs. His jaws looked powerful enough to kill. Probably why they kept him.. It's head was wrapped in a blood soaked bandage, covering one of it's yellow eyes.

Jeff's smirk turned into a genuine smile as he sat on the blue sheeted bed, the dog following and laying on the pillow, smudging some blood on it. It's master's arms crossed as he spoke. "So.. I guess this means you'll be one of us soon.. At least we won't have to share a room anymore,"

Suspicions confirmed.

"Yeah," I giggled, starting towards him, and slid my figure next to his, frowning. His smile was almost sweet as he wrapped his arm around me one more time. He pressed me against him a little and said,

"I was almost hoping you'd stay with us.. Glad he likes you. But, I'm not so sure about your friends. I don't think he'll let them stay. They seem... too normal,"

his smile was now slightly faded, and drifting into nothing. His arm was firmly gripping my shoulder in a slight caring way, which scared me a little. My frown grew deeper into a scowl.

"What do you mean 'Too normal?!' They are the strangest bunch you'll ever meet—Besides you all of course.. But—!"

His deep abrupt voice sliced through mine as he stood up, his hands on both my shoulders.

"Shut it. You're staying here and not them. They don't matter anymore. Not in this life. Not in the life you now share with us. They won't matter ever again."

I felt my eyes begin to water at his words, and I covered my face. His hands slid away from me as he sat down again. His fingers glided up and down my back, trying to calm my sobs.

"I didn't mean it as in they don't matter at all." He said quietly, his voice breaking. My crying was toned down some after that, and laid my head on his shoulder. He didn't protest, only hugged me.

("In the life you now share with us"? How big of a deal is it to kill someone?! I understand it's a crazy concept: how these guys work, but—What could we have to do to be the type of monster Jeff's implying?! How drastic of a change would they have to make? Would Slender kill them because they aren't like the rest of these guys??!)

I don't want to find out..

At the time I was first writing this, I'd had 69 people reading my story xD I just thought it was funny

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