(31) idk what to name this one either... ITS NAME IS GEORGE. xD

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_Jeff's Point Of View_

My sweet Y/n.

I love you.

You know that I love you.

I tell you every couple minutes, just to let you know.

I want you to feel important. Because you are important. You're important to me. You're everything to me. I am grateful to you, my sweet Y/n. I'm grateful for how you've changed me. I'm grateful for the happiness you bring me. I'm grateful for the feeling you give me. I'm grateful for you.

I love you.

Her voice cried out in horror as my injured and bleeding body fell to the ground. My face hit the dirt, a blade of stale grass stabbing my eye. I grunted, and sat up. That idiot continued to shoot at me, each bullet hitting my body, whether it was the place he aimed or not. Wobbly, I staggered back up, determined somehow.

(Ow.. Bullets hurt more than I remember..) "Geh—!" He shot my torso again, causing my cries of pain, and once more the buckling of my knees. My head connected with the leaves again, the pain of the bullets spreading up my body. A great headache was forming, furthering a frustration.

(Y/n, you stupid little girl.. How could you fall in love with me? I'm such a monster.) I breathed slowly, noting that the pain was numbing, and sat up again. (I'm really starting to hate cops.) I sighed.

"Nice to meet you too—" I spat, clutching at my torn abdomen. (Fuck this hurts..) Even with the decrease in pain, it still hurt, triggering my frustration to grow. I yelped in pain as I tread slowly towards the officer and the guy, smiling as usual.

(I told you to smile for me, Y/n, so I'll smile for you. That's a promise, Sweetheart.) If only I could have said those words aloud..

"Hands up! Or I'll shoot you again, monster!" The cop drew his gun again after he'd relaxed his arm seeing my body fall twice now. (Cocky eh?) Behind him, now that I was closer, I could see the figures of more officers.. looks like... seven? (Well, shit.)

"If I did that, I wouldn't be able to stop the bleeding." I taunt. (He looks so scared right now. Ha! I love this job.) I chuckled at my strange feeling, and continued to walk slowly across the clearing, my eyes locked with the cop's. The ones behind him took out their guns, and aimed them at me.

"I said stop, smartass!" The first yelped, his voice cracking with fear. Ah, fear.. the most beautiful emotion.

(Oh shit.. everything's getting blurry.. I'm going to pass out at this rate..) Not Heeding my own warning, I staggered faster, eager to slice his throat open. I finally reached him. And what luck, he was out of bullets. (I need to focus... there isn't just one.. Y/n..) The first cop pulled the trigger multiple times, the sound of the empty cartridge making my smile widen. My vision was so shitty that I could hardly stab them all.. I wonder if Y/n ran? She should.. get a.. move o-.. on...

_Y/n's Point Of View_

I held in every single tear. Every single cry. Every single shout. Every urge to run out. Every urge to save myself.

All I wanted at that moment was to have Jeff back here, kissing me again. That's all I wanted. Is that too much to ask? Am I expecting too much from my life? All I wanted was him. He's all I want. Please.

Please dammit!

(NO!) His thin, yet gorgeous body fell to the grass for a third time. I wanted to scream out and cradle him in my arms.. But I knew that's not why he did that..

"What now?" (What the—?) His lips connected with mine passionately and slowly, his tongue grazing my bottom lip. He pressed my figure to a tree, kissing me still, squeezing my forearms before turning away, his beautiful blue orbs avoiding my gaze. I quietly called after him, but he didn't answer. His footsteps sounded loud in my mind as his converse crunched against the fall leaves. An extremely light breeze blew through his raven hair, a strand or two curled up cutely. Thanks to those fluffy bangs of his, I couldn't see his face. (What the hell are you thinking?!)

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