(13)We need to find them..

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_Johnnie's Point Of View_

Me and Zack shrieked at the same time, triggering whatever it was to stand up. It let out a growl, and turned its head to us. (Holy fuck--Is that a wolf??!) Zack fell on his ass like i did, and we scurried away as fast as we could. I eventually stood up, helping Zack as well, and headed for the staircase. But in my panic, We took a wrong turn. We ran into a random room and closed the door.

"What on earth was that thing?!" Zack whispered.

I rested my head on the door frame, breathing heavily. "I'm beginning to wish I hadn't come with you guys," I turned to Zack, sliding my back down the frame, sitting on the floor and frowning. I would be at home right now, sitting in my bed, listening to Skillet to drown out the sound of my dad and stepmom arguing. I'd be playing Resident Evil4 for the fifth time, saying every word in the cut scenes. I'd not be worried about creepy ass creatures like the one on the other side of the door. I'd be fucking safe.

The boy next to me huffed. "Now what? We're stuck in here--"

"Shh," I pressed my finger to my pierced lips, and put my ear to the door. Behind it, there was a slight breathing sound. It sounded rugged, and disfigured, uneven and decaying. What WAS that thing?? Where did it come from? Why did I decide to look around alone? Why am I asking myself questions?

I lifted myself up to look through the keyhole, standing on my knees. I breathed as light as I could, and drowned in the sounds on the other side of the door.


It was the sound of a beast breathing. It's snarls filled my ears as it grew louder. I then heard sniffing sounds and a small bark. I felt a strand of fur through the crack of the door.

I stood up and headed for the window. I stretched my hand over the curtain and pulled, only to find the window was boarded up.

"What the Hell?!" I turned back to Zack, his nervous eyes bleeding fear. I guess I'm not getting a plan out of him... I'll just have to pull the boards back, no matter how hard it gets, I am getting out of here.

I placed my sweaty hands over a board, and yanked it as hard as my arms would allow me. The wood squeaked, but didn't come loose. I heard Zack stand and come to me. I moved over some and we both pulled the boards together.

After a few tugs, one came loose. We pried at it with our fingers and slowly, it came off.

looking over our accomplishment, I realized, it was too small a space for us to fit through. I looked to Zack, his forehead sweaty and hands red with aggravation, he was too tired to pull another one. Not to mention I was losing strength as well.

"This is stupid." I mumbled as I trudged over to the door. I whipped the thing open and stopped dead. (Holy... mother.. fucking... shit..—)

whatever the thing was, it jumped on me, sending me to the floor. My back hit the floorboards, knocking the wind out of me. I coughed, my voice squeaking pathetically. Zack ran up and kicked the thing in the face.

It didn't do much. Zack landed his foot clumsily and fell backward. He landed on his ass next to me and screeched.



_Y/n's Point Of View_

I sat up from the floor and looked up at the man on the bed. He was fast asleep. His long black hair swirled around his body and face, his lips perking out slightly, his chest rising and falling slowly. He looked peaceful. I stood up as silently as I could and headed for the door.

As soon as I began to turn the knob-

"The Hell do you think you're going?" His groggy voice sounded. His thin figure sat up and rubbed his neck. I turned back to him and smiled.

"Is a girl not allowed to go to the bathroom?" I sassed as cutely as possible. He smiled slightly and yawned, then laid himself back down.

(Was that him being protective? Or was he just screwing with me?) I went along the halls to find the Bathroom, and came to it eventually. I stepped inside and took a breath. (I'm alone. Finally.)


I came back to the room me and Jeff shared, and opened the wooden door. this place was more run down than the other house, the door felt as though it would fall off its hinges. It opened nonetheless, and I walked in. I smiled at Jeff who was now fully awake, and biting his nails aggressively. he semi-stopped to give me an odd smile, then went back to his gnawing.

I sat on the bed with him and poked his head. He stopped and gave me a funny look, then poked me back. We continued to do this, each poke getting slightly more and more rough. I laughed as he began to tickle me. I threw myself away from is hands and landed back down on his bed. He loomed over me with a playful maniacal look. He smirked and held me down.

I squeaked.

He drew his face close to mine, his hot breath running across my skin. My heart jumped as he smiled wider. What the Hell was he doing?!!! and WHY?!

"You're not still afraid of me, are you?" His deep voice sounded.

I stared into his big blue eyes for a few moments then finally thought of an answer. "In a way i guess i'll never stop being afraid of you.." I said simply. He nodded.

"HEY--" I squeaked again

He began his tickling again, and with me pinned down like I was, I wasn't going anywhere. I was forced to endure torture as his pale fingers danced about across my torso. I tried to push him away, but there was no use. He was too strong. To think I would know this by now, seeing as how he was always the one holding me in place.

Who'd a thunk? I would ACTUALLY be friends with serial Killers... I threw my arms around his neck and laughed. He hugged me back, and lay down with me.

(... What are...)

His face slowly came closer to mine, and nestled itself in the crook of me neck. a breath escaped him, and danced across my skin again. I smiled.

(He thinks he's winning me over,)

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