(23) Zacharnnie

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"Hey, Zack," His jet black hair fell over his icy eyes as he looked down at his nails. His tone was casual, almost monotone, as if he wasn't really talking to me, simply saying my name, like you would to your troublesome cat while they slept.

I stared across the room at him. How? How is he—??

"Zack? What's wrong?" He turned around to look at the door behind him. "Wait, can you see me?"

I nodded, but I doubt it was noticeable. "Johnnie.. how—?"

"Oh, NOW he sees me!!" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, an expression of anger on his face. "I'm not alive if that's what you think. I'm what we came here in the first place to find; a fuckin ghost."

".. I'm so sorry, Johnnie." I began crying again. Just the sight of him in one piece— "I could have saved you, couldn't I have? I could have done something to stop this! I could have stopped this! Why was I so slow?!" My knees buckled, sending me collapsing to the floor. I barely caught myself before my head connected with the floor. I faced the floorboards with tears dripping to them, wetting them.

He scoffed. "Zack, it's not your fault. It's fucking mine... If I hadn't opened that stupid door." He balled his fists, then lifted off the floor, floating over to me, like you'd expect a ghost to do. "Quit your crying. I'm tired of hearing it. .... Zacharie, stop it. ... Hey. HEY,"

My head shot up at his outburst.

"Zack, I've been listening to you sobbing for days. I watched you do everything. I watched you kill the cops. I watched you carry me to the shack. I watched you sew me up and lay me in the leaves. Hell, I watched you throw a temper tantrum!" He laughed. "But every quaking moment was filled with your crying." He bent down to meet my gaze, pulling me up by the shoulders. "I'm grateful. I am so grateful, but I have one question to ask." He paused, unfolding his sleeve and wiping my eyes. "Why did you come back here? You could have left all of this behind. You could have run away and started new if you were too afraid to go back home. Come on, Zack, look at me Dammit!"

I pulled together any courage that I had left, and looked Johnnie in his eyes; something that we never did before that night behind this house.

"That's better," he said, a tiny smile gripping at his mouth. "Now that I'm here, maybe you'll stop your fuckin waterworks," he chuckled, pulling me in for a hug.

(This is the last thing I expected him to do, but I don't care.) And not to make science look like a fool, but he's a ghost ain't he? Shouldn't I not be able to touch him? Ah whatever.

Johnnie pushed me off the floor, and dragged me to my bed. His cold hands drew the blanket over me, and tucked me in.

"G'night, Zack." He said as he sat at the end of my bed.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I sat up and looked to where the door was.

"What?" Johnnie was still speaking in monotone, and picked at his black nails.

"I was going to leave a letter for Y/n, it's really important.. Can you do something for me?"

He sighed dramatically. "I just got back, and you're already bossing me around," he chuckled, and floated to the door. "What'd ya need?"

"Just paper, I'll find a pencil."

He gave me a strange look, but turned to the door, walking straight through it. I sighed thinking about how to word everything. It all hurt so much, I'm not sure how I managed not to start bawling as I wrote each word for you. I started with my real parents, then went on to the abuse.. I wrote everything for you, Y/n, I hope you understand now.


Johnnie read over my shoulder as I tried proofreading my letter. "Holy fuck, Zack, I had.. no idea that you.. had such a terrible past.." He pat my back, and turned away, beginning to sing, like he always had when he was nervous or didn't know what to do or something.

I know the song was meant to calm Him, but I found it calming myself as well. I looked up at him from my hunched over position. "Johnnie?"

He stopped singing, and looked scared for a moment. "Yeah?"

"Thank you. For coming back, I mean. Knowing that you were there the whole time kinda makes me feel better; so thank you."

"Hey, all I did was follow a murderer holding my dead body. It was you who decided to—"

I stood and hit his shoulder. He smiled out of confusion, and hit me back. I gave him a happy look, and sat on my bed.

"Zack stop looking at me like that, you're creating Zacharnnie!" He laughed.

"That is in no way what I meant, Johnnie!!"

"I know, I was just kidding," he sat down next to me, and smiled.

"Eghhh," I rolled my eyes and looked back to the words on the papers. (Why does he torture me so?) I put the pencil to the last sheet, and wrote my name.


_Y/n's Point Of View_

"You look cold." Jeff stated, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I laughed, "Well that's because I Am cold,"

He took himself back, and began taking his hoodie off. "Well, here," he ripped the thing off of his body, and pulled it over my head aggressively, forcing my arms through the holes. When it was finally on me, he yanked my hand and continued walking down the streets. I stumbled, but managed a "thank you."

(This is so fricking warm! They don't make girls' clothes this thick..)

I snuggled into the fabric, ignoring the rather rough feel to it, and the smell of rotting flesh, and enjoyed the gift he'd given me. I glanced up at him, and saw a light blush dusting his white cheeks. But before I could tease him about it, we rounded another corner, and walked to the back of a house. This one looked older, and a little run down, like whoever lived inside didn't keep it very well.

Jeff hushed me by pressing his pointer finger to my lips. He smiled for a moment before turning to a window. I watched as he slid his knife through the small crack, and slide it over, unlocking the window.

"Nice," I praised, patting his head.

He chuckled a bit, "You haven't seen shit yet, my sweet."

(Why does he keep calling me stuff like that? We haven't even been together for forty eight hours,)

He glided the window up, and slipped through the space silently. Chillingly silently. 'Come on in!' He mouthed to me with a wide grin, offering me his hand. I grasped it, and pulled myself in, trying to be as quiet as he had been.

But just like back in the day when I first saw these guys; I failed. Nostalgia am I right? -_-

My shoe squeaked loudly as I attempted to lift it over the sill, but.. yeah you get it.

Jeff smiled at me, grabbing me by the waist, and pulled me through the window. Because he grabbed me JUST SO, My body connected with his, enforcing blush to appear on my s/c skin.

He smirked at me naughtily, and kissed my cheek. He then turned to lead the way through the house. Still blushing crazily, I tried to keep up with him. We came upon a staircase, and he ran up taking two steps at a time, still somehow being deadly silent.

We stopped in front of a room, and peeked inside. It was a couple, asleep soundly in their bed. The male had his arm around the girl lovingly, snuggling close to her.

(Why did I just get an urge to lay like that with Jeff?) I giggled picturing him snuggling up to me like the two in front of us. I eased that urge by placing my hand on Jeff's back.

He glanced at me, and kissed me out of nowhere.

(He really is a fluffy little teddy bear.. How the hell did I get roped into this?)

I gave y'all a scare with that chapter name didn't I? XD
Seriously though, who else shipped them?
*sigh* Aughh.. Kill me... Sayonara~!

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