Chapter One (The Beginning)

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I've never really considered myself a religious person, but when faced with the things that happened over the past few months, one can only wonder; Was hell real? Was heaven real? Are the things I do really judged by a higher power, an authority above anything? Are the words I speak recorded and reviewed after I die to see where my soul belongs?

After everything that happened, I ask myself those questions too much. Especially considering my life choices leading me to this point. Maybe it's time I stopped. Maybe I should stop thinking. All thinking ever does is bring anxiety, and stress.

I'll never catch a break.

I see you staring at me like I'm crazy, so I'll tell you what happened. It's a long story, so buckle in.


My mother stared at me disapprovingly, her lips pulling downward into a deep frown. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes." I snapped, whipping my schoolbag over my shoulder. "You act like I'm walking alone in a dark alleyway; Zach is picking me up in a minute, I'll be fine." I saw her expression slowly go from disapproval to disgust.

My mother was not the biggest fan of Zach, on account of his brash, constantly high energy attitude. And also the fact that he just recently got his license. I'm sure it was more the later than the former. I know she was just worried about me, especially with such a happy-go-lucky idiot like Zach, who barely stopped to think. But he was my best friend, and to me, his outlandish personality was one of the things I loved about him.

As if on que, the idiot himself pulled up, honking slightly to let me know. I waved quickly to my mom, who shook her head in response, and ran out the door. Zach was already standing outside his truck, holding the passenger door open for me.

"Good morning, madam." He smiled happily as I hopped in, reaching for the seatbelt before my butt had fully touched the seat. I loved Zach, but that didn't mean he was the best driver.

"Good morning, shithead." I smiled back at him as he made his way back around to the driver's side and started the truck.

The radio began making static noises immediately, startling me. After a second Zach played with the dials, switching the radio off. He then reached behind my seat and pulled out a smaller radio.

"What's that for-?" I began to question him before he switched it on and I could hear the slightly muffled voices of people talking to each other.
"Is that a police scanner?"

"Yup." He smiled again, placing the small box next to his stick shift. "I stole if from my uncle." He said proudly.

I stared at him oddly. "Why?"

"I dunno, I thought it'd be cool. I feel important, like I know what's happening before I should. Y'know?" He shifted the gear and started driving off towards the main road.

"I mean yeah, that does sound cool." I admitted, turning up the volume so I could hear properly over the sound of Zach's big truck.

The things they were saying weren't too interesting, as I expected, in a town like ours. Just a runaway dog and a stolen purse and things of the like. Mundane problems.

Zach laughed as we saw a dog sitting at the side of a lawn, panting happily by a destroyed leaf pile. "Found em." I chuckled. "I should be a cop."

Zach smiled at my remark, turning down another road. Zach's smile was really bright. It was inviting and gentle, and worst of all, alluring. He could get anything he wanted with that smile. Zach was a very good looking guy, I won't lie. Dark hair, dark eyes, kind smile, tall. To a lot of girls at our school Zach was the perfect man. Unfortunately for them they don't know what's behind that adorable face.
But I do.

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