(2)Find The Hidden

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"Dammit, Zacharie!!" I yelled as I hit my friend's shoulder. "You always DO that!" I pouted, which triggered a smile from the boy.

"Well, You know me~" He pulled up his hand and poked my cheek. I swatted his hand away and huffed. Zacharie has been my friend for a rather long time, and He ALWAYS manages to scare me like this! Anytime he happens to see me walking alone, or just out in public, he sneaks up on me and shouts that classical word; 'boo.' It used to annoy me a whole lot, but now, It's just our thing i guess. T-T

Zack brushed his natural black hair out of his eyes and smiled at me. "So? You decide on coming?" He asked. Oh that's right! I'd completely forgotten he asked if I wanted to go on a ghost hunt with him and some friends. They planed to go tomorrow night, we even got our grumpiest friend to agree to come.

"Well.." I thought a moment. "I guess, but, no shenanigans, Got it?" I pointed to show authority, even though I had none over him.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Y/n," He threw his hands up in surrender, and stepped towards the woods. "I've got other plans.." His voice dropped in play to a dark menacing tone, which made me smile. (What a derp,) "Oh, one more thing," he said, his tone going back to normal. "Leave your phone at the hang out. We're going old style."

"Pffft! Why? What if something happens and we have to call the cops?"

"Then we book it,"

I rolled my eyes at my idiotic friend. "What the Hell are you doing?" I asked seeing him start to walk backwards. He simply laughed, then turned around and continued walking on his way.

(Why is he so weird?)


_Said "Tomorrow Night"_

I looked up through what was left of the leaves and peered at the stars. I was distracting myself from how dark it was in these woods. If I had my phone I could just be using my flashlight! I walked by the light of the stars, and wondered what Zack had planned.

"Ack.." my foot got caught on a root, and I untied my shoe to get it unstuck. Sighing, I continued to walk alone in the dreary dark forest. (I hope Zack brought flashlights..)

I soon stepped onto the lawn of the old house with my friends. "Hey, Y/n!!" Called the boy who renamed himself after the Shinigami, Ryuk, although he added an extra 'u'. I hollered back to him and ran up to the whole group.

"I'm glad you decided to come, Y/n, I don't know how I would've handled this otherwise," Said Ryuuk, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You're such a pussy, Ry," Said Mavis, making me chuckle.

"Come ON you guys!" Zack yelled running up to the house's broken porch, flashlight in hand. We all followed in silence, Myself, Mavis, Ryuuk, and the quiet boy in my friend circle, Johnnie.


Theses are so short it hurts TT

xD Syonara~!

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