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_Johnnie's Point Of View_

I ran out the door with my only friends behind me. I dodged an arm trying to grab me, and bolted the Fuck out of there. I ran though the woods, trying to get away-- but then it dawned on me. (I'm a moron.) I thought. I fixed my course and headed for our hang out. maybe Zack was there? No, he... He's probably behind the old house, knowing that guy.

I stopped, panting. My hands rested on my knees as I thought of what to do. (Dammit.) I turned back towards the old house and began my sprint back. My hair flipped about in the wind, and I could actually see for once. My steps have never been so sure. Not before, and not since. Oh, how little I knew. If I'd known, I would have never set foot near that house again.


I trotted behind the house and hid myself. I could slightly hear what was going on inside the place, and listened.

"I'm Jack." Said a man.

There was a short silence, then I heard Y/n's voice. "Thank you." She said. "For what you did.."

(Thank you for what? Who are you talking to?? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??!) I turned at the sound of a twig snapping. My vision was impaired of course, and i only saw the bottom half of someone. I staggered back, hitting the side of the house.

"Hey, hey, it's just me!" (I know that voice,) I brushed my hair out of my face and locked eyes with Zack. It was probably the first time we ever really looked each other in the eyes. he stepped toward me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? Nothing broken?"

"Yeah, But the others are still--"

"I know, I've been around. I'm looking for another way inside. I'm thinking if we could sneak in, we'll all be able to sneak out. Now help me look." He turned away and began toward the other side of the house. i stood up and followed, removing a twig from my hair.


_Y/n's Point Of View_

Jack walked closer to me and I winced as our hands came together. We shook, and I stepped back. He did help me. He Caught something for me. It was very precious to me. My sister gave it to me before she died. Worse yet, It was made of glass. My cat knocked it out the window, and it fell. i awaited the sound of it shattering, but I only heard someone clear their throat.

I had turned and saw a man with a blue mask holding my beloved Glass figurine. He handed it to me and took off his mask, revealing a graying face with only sockets for eyes, black liquid flowing down his cheeks. "I thought it might be important," He said, showing his sharp teeth. "So, i grabbed it."


We sat on the floor together. i was overwhelmed by that WEIRD feeling again. I was so calm. I found myself leaning on Jack. I closed my eyes. (What is wrong with me?) I thought as I began to fall asleep. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I was engulfed in warmth.

(Screw it. It's been a long night. If I die, so be it. ) zzZZ


Okie doke.. Not too eventful, but it'll get better



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