(36) I Love You

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I'm finding it easier to write in third person, I hope yuzz don't mind lol I was also sugar high while writing this so sorry about that part..
i drew that btw ;p I'm making it my pfp I love it so much xD

Jeff laid his exhausted head down against Y/n's chest, taking in her warmth, and drowning in her heartbeat. At least she was alive. He simply couldn't bear it if she'd died. He'd fall into another pit of depression, flailing and fighting against gravity as it pulled him deeper and deeper away from what others referred to as 'sanity.' Not that he'd had a grip on that lost memory for some time now.

He sighed, snuggling up to his girlfriend, and tucking his hands around her waist. His eyes soon lost focus, everything becoming fuzzy, and he fell asleep against her breasts.


Y/n held back the pain, and threw herself at the demon. "Aizel stop it!!" She cried, gripping at the thing's skin, which folded under her fingers as it ripped from his body. The demon thrusted his claws into Slender's face again, spewing his dark blood to Y/n's controlled fingers. The demon didn't listen, only struck the monster again, ignoring her screaming.

"Oh, but isn't this fun, sweetie? Look, he's bleeding quite a bit now! I thought you liked killing things!" Aizel laughed, throwing the girl off him, and turning his attention back to fighting. How was he even controlling her? All he had done, was turn around, and suddenly a big screen like thing appeared, showing what Aizel was doing. The girl couldn't tell if he was just messing with her, but even if he wasn't, she didn't in any way want to see Slender like that.

She tried once more, this time grabbing him by the neck. "Aizel please!! If you stop— we can dance again! Or play some more cards! Come on Aizel! That sounds more fun to me than this!" She attempted to persuade him, turning his head until their eyes met. Aizel lost his smile.

She would really dance with him again? Really? A new smile spread on his fake cheeks, a happy one. "That does sound like a lot of fun, darling, but I have to finish this. I've got a once in a hundred years chance here; I don't wanna pass that up! How about this, sweetie, when I'm finished with daddy dearest, we can have all sorts of fun! I promise."

- -

(Well, that memory will haunt me forever..) The girl could feel her dream finally coming to a close, her eyes fighting at the darkness and beginning to open. It was then, that she felt the heat of another lying next to her. (Jeff?!) She forced herself awake, eager to see his beautiful face.

There he was.
Thank goodness.

She detested waking him— he just looked too cute— and scooted closer the his body, snuggling up with her hand on his back.

"I love you." She whispered, closing her eyes to welcome a new dream.
A sweet dream.


They both awoke at once, to a crashing sound downstairs. -Ben had dropped something, but we won't get into detail- A few laughs were heard by the sleepy fingers in Y/n's room, startling them awake.

Jeff sat himself upright, and ran his slender fingers through his hair. He was once again startled as the sight of Y/n sitting up too mirrored in his eyes. How overjoyed he was. To finally see his sweet Y/n awake at last.

"How do you feel, darling?" His groggy words played happily to the girl's ears.

"I feel like I got hit by a bus, but I feel happy." She smiled at him, bringing up her hand to stroke his cheek. But the smile soon disappeared. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him. I tried to. But I once again failed."

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