(3)Fright Finds

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"Come ON you guys!" Zack yelled, his voice cracking with anticipation.

"We're coming!" Mavis tugged mine and Johnnie's shoulders. We stumbled a little and walked up to the house.

"This is gonna be so cool!!!" Zack seemed to be excited, much to the unmatched boredom of Johnnie; He was never really excited about anything unless it was a concert. Nonetheless, he followed, and we all stepped inside the house. Zack handed me a flashlight. (Thank god,) I flipped the switch, shining the light in my path.

"Damn, This place looks old.." said Mavis, picking up a picture of a group of teens. "Hey this guy looks like you, Johnnie!" She held up the picture frame to show him. He huffed and walked further into the house, flipping his dyed bangs out of his face.

I looked over her shoulder to see. "Huh... Well, no one said other people couldn't be Emo, he's not the only one, y'know." I laughed, and looked up at Johnnie who was poking at the TV screen. What's strange is it was on. It featured only static.

"Yeah, but it's rare. I just thought it was funny," She said placing the photo back where she found it. Zack whizzed past us and headed for a staircase. (Oh, great. This is the part where we never see him again -_-) I thought.

I took a small moment to consider, then followed him up the steps. "What do you think you're doing? Don't go running off without us!" I whispered, not knowing what else could be in this place. Best to be cautious.

"I wasn't. I knew you'd follow me,"


The steps lightly creaked under our weight, slowly coming to the top step. When We reached the top of the stairs we stopped dead.

"Toby, knock it off." A man said in a muffled whisper.

"S-sorry!" A quieted voice answered.

It was dark, but I could see a few faint figures in the small hall leading both left and right. I looked to the direction of the voices, the left, and quieted myself, crouching down. Zack stepped back a little, keeping hidden momentarily.

A deep British voice sounded. "We need to hurry, Slender said they'd here at nine, and It's nine twenty." I heard a slight rustle of clothes and a footstep. (Crap!!)

In a panic, I slipped, and tumbled down the stairs, landing on my head. A scat of pain shot through my neck, making me wince. Zack was frantic in getting me back up after hearing loud yelling about "Catch them" and stuff.

He grabbed hold of my arms and yanked me up. "Bad bad bad bad bad bad!!" His voice cracked again a couple times, helping me out the door, followed by the others.

Or so we thought.

It's so short x.X

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