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_Jeff's Point Of View_

(If this kid doesn't shut up I'm going to drop kick him off the roof.)

I shoved past him, getting impatient, and burst into her room. I only did it to shut him up, but i found myself fumbling for words as I approached her. (Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.) I mentally banged my head.

".. I—.. Y/n, I, uhm.."

Her face.. it was pale. Her eyes were red and dulled. Her expression flattened. Sparkling Tears flooded down her soft cheeks. Her hair was a mess, her nose was irritated.. (What did I do to her?)

Sighing, I slid myself onto her bed, and hugged her. She deserves so much more than this shitty life. What she deserves is a happy home with a happy family. She needs happiness. Not this psycho house. I cried too. I buried my face in her neck, and wept. She simply hugged at my arms, croaking her sobs. (Why do I ruin everything? Hurt everyone?)

That kid Ryan was right.. She needs to look past all of this and be happy but..

We stayed on her bed like that, a weeping mess, both sorry for things we didn't necessarily need to be sorry for. Every once in a while she would say that; "I'm sorry," I'd say those words back, though I was unsure of what exactly I was saying sorry for. (Where did I go wrong?)


_The Next Morning_

I sat up, and peered down at Y/n. Her h/c hair fell over her eyes as she slumbered next to me. We'd cleared up our stupid little difference, and gone to bed. She'd clung to me the whole night, her face buried in my hoodie. I wondered if she had felt any better, but was afraid to ask. I feel a little better, not too significant, but it's something.

(Eghh..) I stood without waking her, and closed those dumb blinds. I wanted to crawl back in bed with her, but knew I shouldn't.

I kissed her tender sweet lips, and left.

(Why am I such a monster? Why am I an idiot? Why can't I stop being such a cruel serial killer and love that sweet girl..? She deserves so much more than me. Why is she burdening herself? I'm the only problem in this relationship.. She cries so much.. and it's because of me.. ......And if her lips are so sweet does she think mine are sour?) I attempted to lighten my mood, but failed hard as I walked into the kitchen.

Zack stood from his seat at the table and ran up to me. "How was she?" He asked, beginning to remove his mask. Curious dark eyes locked with mine, and I sighed. I didn't know how to answer. I don't know how she feels. I only know that I still feel like shit.

"Oh, she's alright. Still sleeping." I mumbled, my voice gruff from lack of usage.

I just wish I could fix myself.


_Y/n's Point Of View_

My tired and puffy eyes opened with slight struggle. I slowly slid my figure up in a sitting position, and groaned. It was dark in my room, the low light reflecting the way I felt. I sighed and stood from my bed, noting that Jeff was gone. (Why did he leave me? I wanted to wake up next to him..)

Just then, answering my grumpiness was a barge from Jeff. He walked right in with out a knock or anything.

"Oh— good morning, Y/n." He smiled weakly, and came over to hug me. His arms enclosed me in their warmth, rubbing my back.

"Good morning, Gandalf,"

He laughed, hugging me tighter. "Well at least you got your sense of humor back. Hey, wanna hear my dumb joke?"

It didn't sound incredibly intriguing, but I said yes anyways.

"What is the difference between roast beef and pea soup?"



"Uhh.. Multiple things. ..What is the difference?" I made a face, knowing whatever the answer was it was going to be stupid.

"You're going to hate me— Anyone can roast beef, but no one can pee soup."

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "That indeed was dumb."


I held the great comedian's hand as we walked into the dining room. I smiled in return to all of the worried glances, and ate my breakfast. Slender had asked how I was, though he could tell I was still upset.

"I'm fine, I suppose. I've never lost this many people in my life.." I leaned on Jeff, burying my face in his arm. He wrapped it around me, rubbing at my back. (Why did I decide I hated you..? You made me feel so much better.. Why did I say that? Why did I ignore you? If anything I hate myself..) I could feel the tears swelling up again, and I stood from the table.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't mean what I'd said.. I was upset.. although that's no excuse.. I'm sorry." I cried, letting the words out weakly, I'm not even sure if they heard me. Until..

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Said the Clown. And no, I still didn't know his name. "We all know what it feels like to be weary and angry. We know the feeling of being manipulated and used, we know how it feels to be betrayed and left behind, lost and alone.
"Y/n, you came into the right family. You came into our family. And this family has been through well over ten times as much pain as you're going through now. This family has built us up again, even after all the shit that we've been in. Because we were together, and we came back stronger. Stronger than any other force out there. Because were a family. Now shut it and eat some more pasta." His British voice stopped abruptly as he slurped up a sauce covered noodle.

I smiled at him, and set myself down. Jeff wiped at my tears, ridding them from my face. "Thank you." I mumbled, to both Jeff and the Clown.

"Oh and," he held up his hand, for I assumed was a handshake. "By the way, after what? A week and a half? I'm L.J."

I giggled and shook his claws. I feel better already.. somehow..


I followed close after Jeff as we walked through the forest. I'd agreed to go on another kill with him, and this time I wore something warmer. We trudged through the woods holding hands like we used to. (Why did I ever say that I hated you?) I hopped over a root and scurried to keep up with Jeff's fast pace. (Damn long legs..) Although it was a grumble, it was so true. His legs were rather long.. (Why do I do this to myself?!)

"Y/n?" Jeff looked at me funny, stopping his stride. "You okay?"

"Sorry, yeah, I'm just thinking about how hot you are." I let go of his hand and walked on ahead. I heard  him chuckle, and felt his hand press against my back.

"Not as hot as a certain beautiful woman."

"Awe, thanks, you." His hand slid around my waist, and squeezed me.

"..Y/n, do you really want to do this right now? I mean.. We can wait.. If you still feel.. you know.." His tone changed, a sweet concerned replacing his flirtatious one.

I nodded. "I'm alright. I want to get over it all. I just want to kill again." I grabbed his hand, and continued a quick pace. He chuckled again, letting out a small sigh.

"I'm proud of you."

"You should be." I flashed an exaggerated smile, tugging on his hand.

As Our conversation closed, my ears were cursed with a loud screech. It was a person. Someone was screaming..

I turned my head to my right, the sight of a man running taking my attention. His dark brown hair stuck up in spikes, his blue eyes widened and looked to be popping out of his head. His deep voice echoed in terror as his thin arms flailed behind him.

(Wait a minute... Roddy??)

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