(21) Welcome Home, Y/n!

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_Y/n's Point Of View_

I thrusted myself to the ground, Jeff's knife firmly gripped between my fingers. The shining metal object was just an inch away from that bitch's face. (Why does it feel like time slowed?) my hand seemed as slow as a snail, drifting calmly towards her head. (Is this guilt?)

After a lagging moment, time came back into its regular swing, and the knife came down to graze her cheek. Mavis sat up before I could kill her, swatting away my hand harshly, and pinning me to the ground.

"Y/N!!" Zack screeched, running towards us.

"Idiot," Jeff scolded, ripping him back, letting him fall on his butt. "This is her war, let her win it."

(Is he really that confident that I'll win?) I blushed thinking of it, but quickly drew my attention back to Mavis as she ripped the knife from my hand.

"Jeff!! Let me go! She needs help—"

"No she doesn't. Have faith, will you?!" Jeff sounded annoyed, but still confident in me.

(Thanks, Jeff.) I mustered the strength, and bucked her head, causing her to grunt. I kicked her legs, unsteadying her, and she toppled to the side. Her face landed on mine, letting the blood from her eye glide down my cheek.

She bit into my face, making me scream out in pain, my blood mixing with hers. I kicked her away, and took the knife back. I slumped over her, and pinned her arms down with my knees. I peered down at her with an insane smile. I never thought I'd kill one of my best friends, especially Mavis; she had always been there for me. And when my sister died, she was the one who made me feel that much better. I almost can't believe my actions, but somehow, it feels almost natural for me to do this..

I thrusted my arms down, the blade aimed at her good eye. (This is the last time I'll see that eye.)

It made a slight squishing sound as the metal pierced it. I watched her bright red blood spat on the knife, coating it with a beautiful color. The drops flew to my hands, then to my face.

I pulled out the knife, listening to her screams. I thrusted it into her head again. Then again.

And again

and again

and again

And again.

I stared at the masterpiece I had created. Mavis' mutilated and distorted face stared back. I looked up at Jeff, his expression happy.

"Y/n?" He asked, letting go of Zack's collar and came to stand in front of me.

"Yes, Jeff?" I replied sweetly.

"I officially announce you a CreepyPasta." He began clapping, and smiled wide. I smiled too, standing to my feet.

— (Incoming!!) —

"Come 'ere, you," he yanked me by my hair harshly, causing me to yelp. He thrusted himself at me, covering my lips with his.

They were so much softer than earlier.


He moved himself to get a better angle, sending his tongue into my mouth. I flinched, and pushed at his shoulders. (Too forward, buddy!! TOO FORWARD.) He grabbed my arm, his left fist tightening in my hair, keeping me in place once again. Our tongues danced together to a song not played, a melody filling my head, lifting me off the ground and into his arms. His hands led away from their pain inflicting positions, and covered my back, tracing wide circles.

Ow.. (He just bit me!! What even?! Oh dammit!! I'm not getting out of this... I might as well play along.. I guess.. it's not like a have a fricking choice!) I flinched at the awkwardly pleasureful pain, keeping my eyes closed, not wanting to see those ever wide eyes of his.

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