(12)31 (you can skip this one)

41 1 1


this chapter is purely recreational, so if you're in the mood for some action, you can skip if you want. the jist is you become better acquainted with everyone and better friends with Jeff.

... yeah, i think that's it xD



I stood from the bed and walked over to Jeff, smiling. He glared at me, but what else was new. I happily took the look, and started out the door. (If I act like I know what I'm doing, maybe I'll actually knew what to do..) I trotted down a hall, to an open room I supposed was meant to be the family room. I wondered through it, and down another hall to the dining room. Siting at the table, like when I saw through the window, was Ryuuk, Jack, Mavis, Toby and the dude with a white mask.

(Why where a mask inside?)

-- If you don't know this game you should really look it up. It's called 31 and it's hella fun. ;P

You will also be very confused x.x --

I stepped around he table to Mavis, sitting between her and Jack. I reached for the cards, grabbing three, and low-key joined the game. A few turns later, and I was getting nowhere. I had no good cards, and Mavis was probably holding off on us. She probably had 31 already.

I grumped when it was found that Toby didn't fully know how to play, and won anyway. I rolled my eyes and shuffled the deck, giving everyone their respective cards. Jack grabbed his slowly, and Toby practically took my hand off with his speed. At least he was enjoying himself. Much to the memory of when they all ganged up on us, It was weird seeing delightful smiles on their faces.

"So," Said the masked man, leaning back in his chair. "You have fun outside?"


(How'd he see me?)

"Actually yes. I love it when the weather is like this." I slid the man his cards and let Jack take his turn. He flipped the card and slid another onto the table. All of a sudden, Ryuuk knocked, and he hadn't even had a turn yet.

"What?! you can't have gotten a good hand right off the bat!! You can't knock!" Mavis stood up and pouted openly. I laughed, as did Ryuuk, and we all threw our cards down. I had 16, Mavis had 19, Jack had 22, Toby had 24, and Ryuuk had 29.

"I suppose you could win this early on.." Mavis sat down with one last pout, playfully glaring at Ry, and folding a corner of her five. Giving everyone their cards, Jack placed mine on the table and slid them to me. I smiled and picked them up.

(Holy-- I have 31!!) My brain rejoiced. But then it dawned on me. (He cheated. ... Wait, he made me cheat? Or would he have cheated for me?-- whatever,) I knocked and smiled at him. I laid my cards down as everyone blamed Jack for it. He shrugged and handed the deck off to Ryuuk for him to re-shuffle.

I looked up as Jeff and Ben came in looking a little tired. The blond came up and sat with me. "What're we playing?" he asked.

"Thirty-one! You sh-should play too!!" Said Toby, smiling to heck and a half. Ben looked at him kinda confused, then turned to me.

"Don't think I've ever heard of it,"

Me and Mavis gave a playful gasp, and laughed. Ryuuk handed him some cards and told him how to play. We soon were all itching to get to the deck, and due to the number of players, we were waiting a long time. i reached for the deck and pulled a queen, I slid it into my hand and took out a four. Ben looked at my old card, then put it back down.

"What's this?"

i jumped. It was the voice of the tall thing with those tentacles. Turning around, i saw the thing looking over us all, it's hands behind it's back. "Thirty-one huh? I haven't played this in ages," It said, pulling up a chair.

Jeff held out his hand, "Whoa, whoa. We have enough players as It is, we don't need a multi-tentacle-handed, mind reading monster to join too."

"And what's wrong with having more than just hands? I've come to like my tendrils. And that's saying quite a bit, seeing all that I've done with them." The thing leaned back in it's chair, and watched as we continued our game.

Toby ended up winning again, and he got a good twenty bucks. I swear if I have to play another round with theses loons, I'll eat a pine cone.

A loud thunder crash sounded. I jumped, as did Toby. i stood from the table, and headed for the picture window. My eyes sought out something in the dreary mist and light rain. It was strange, the sun was so obnoxious earlier. I looked back at the table.

Everyone was staring at me.

The guy with the black mask walked out of the hall, and put his hand on Toby's head. "Oh, H-hey Hoodie!" He smiled at the man, who ruffled the boy's hair and walked toward me.

"So, You're the infamous over-sleeper." he smiled. Everyone at the table chuckled, and i turned to face him completely. He held out his hand, "I'm Hoodie."

"Otherwise known as Brian." the masked man remarked.

"Hey, I don't even know what your name is, don't just gave away someone else's." I crossed my arms playfully and smiled, reaching my hand for Hoodie's.

"Okay, It's Masky."

Hoodie leaned over, whispering in my ear, mimicking the other man's tone. "Otherwise known as Timothy."

In the end everyone continued to play 31. Toby was a master at it, and won almost every time due to some hella good timing skills. Or maybe whoever was dealing cheated for him, but either way, he kept winning. I got to know these guys a whole lot better, and actually grown to like some of them. Toby above all, my favorite. ^w^ Remember when I said I thought Jeff was older and Toby younger? Well, it's the other way around. Toby's older by a hair, and Jeff is actually a whole year younger than me; seventeen.

Crazy Bread right?

We spent the whole day goofing off and playing card games. We had lasagna for dinner and a couple bites of ice cream for a classical dessert. When it came time for bed, i didn't want it. I wanted to stay up and laugh more with them. i didn't want night to come.

Slender came into the room and told me and Jeff to get to bed. (Oh, that's right.. We have to share a room..) I didn't want to be a burden to him, so i offered to take the couch. He reluctantly agreed. Slender shook his head and insisted we stick together, and that the place wasn't "protected" like the other house was.

I followed behind my new friend down the hall and entered our room. i said I'd take the floor tonight to make up for last night. He, again, Reluctantly agreed. He plopped onto his bed and smiled sarcastically at me, before laying down. i returned the smile with a warm one, and looked at the floor.

(I never thought I would have made friends with serial killers.. pretty interesting..) zzZZZZZ

I needed a break from all he hecticness x.x
Classical time of game of 31;
22 seconds
(W 2 players lol)

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