(18) Closer

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_Y/n's point of view_

I sniffled into Jeff's hoodie as he held me. Yes, I was still crying. I don't want my friends to die. I don't think anyone would want that. They were so much to me. They were everything to me. I cared for them more than I cared for my family to be honest.

Jeff pushed at my shoulders, and I backed away, not wanting him to be uncomfortable with me. I wiped away a tear, and sat with my back to the wall, next to the wolf thing. Jeff turned himself so he faced me, sliding his legs under himself. A Sigh escaped my lips as I landed my head against the wall, staring at the cream colored ceiling. Jeff seemed tense somehow.. myself followed suit with the awkward silence forming.

"I think that's enough waterworks," he said plainly as he stood up again. "We should see what's for lunch, I'm famished." He chuckled.

I sighed again and followed close behind him. We got to the old house's dining room, and came to Slenderman as he stood over delicious smelling omelets.

"Ooh!" Jeff smiled sarcastically again at the lumps of egg. It didn't look appetizing, but it smelled so good. I whiffed the air, taking it in, and sat next to Ben at the table. He smiled wide at me, waving happily. I returned the gesture with the same expression, and Slenderman set a plate of omelet and bacon on the space in front of me.

Jeff sat on the other side of me, and patted my head. I looked up in confusion, only to remember I'd been crying and that my eyes must've been all puffy.

Eating lunch with these guys was strange. Ben lifted his fork above his head, and tilted it downward, sending the food into his mouth. Jeff picked up his plate and scooped the food together and slid it across the plate to his mouth. Toby ate sideways, dipping his head so the the food went through the rip in his cheek. The Clown bent down to his plate, and licked up his food. His tongue was black and white like the rest of him, and was at least a foot long ....it was striped....

The boy that sat on the couch earlier barely lifted up his mask to send in a bite, quickly moving it back down before chewing. It made me wonder what he had to hide.. The only normal eating habit-ed person was the dude with the rounded with mask. The thing was tied off to the side of his head, revealing a handsome face. His piercing blue eyes stared at me some, but he seemed the most polite of everyone at this table.

I ate everything up as quickly as I could, and offered to wash the dishes. Everyone placed their plates and glasses in a bin in the sink. I squirted soap in it, then filled it with water, thinking about what Jeff said. What if Slender Does kill them?!—

"Hey," said a muffled voice. (Wait is that—?!)

I turned around, and faced the boy with the cat mask. (Why is he so damn familiar?!) "Hi.." I answered shakily. The boy then lifted up his mask.

Now it made sense.

"Zack?!" I almost yelled. He smiled a bit at my confusion and shock, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. It's a long story.." he averted his gaze, only to bring it back up again a moment later. "Listen. I know this is going to be hard to take, but... Johnnie.." His dark brown eyes began to water.

Oh God.

"Zacharie Kelly, you better not say those words. Please tell me nothing happened. Ple-please." The tears were already flowing down my cheeks, dripping to the floor.

"Y/n, you know I can't lie to you."


Slender clapped his hands together to get our attention. I was sitting on the couch with Jeff and Zack, both comforting me. More so Jeff because Zack was crying too. I feel a little bad for his hoodie; all covered in my tears and snot.. but he didn't complain. I raised my head to look at the tall monster, gripping at Jeff. The boy held me in his arms awkwardly, and lifted me onto his lap. My face got a little warm, but I thought nothing of it; this would make any girl blush. (This is too much for one weekend..)

The faceless monster slid his hands around my shoulder, helping me stand up. I almost didn't want to stand, but knew that was selfish. But Why did I feel like I couldn't be selfish? My friend is dead. My other friends are going to die. My best friend is now a Murderer— I had at least a sliver of right to want something, even if it was something as Strange as a cuddle from a psychopath named Jeff.

I got to my feet, reaching out to Jeff, who clasped his fingers around my hand and stood with me. He didn't look happy, but at least he wasn't upset. We were led to my room again, and Slender sat me down, with Jeff standing in the doorway.

"Child," he began as he pulled up the chair from the desk. "I am a little unsettled at how often you seem to cry.. is there a sole reason? Or is this simply 'too much for one weekend'?"

I stared into his nonexistent eyes, feeling my face heat up. I had no strength to answer. (I have been crying a lot, haven't I?) I sighed and covered my face, curling into a ball on the bed. I felt his hand gently on my shoulder, his long fingers gripping me with reassurance. (But how would he know about that?)
"Child, there is something I need to tell you. I am able to read your mind.. I watched one of your memories, that is how I know." His hand slid off my shoulder as he stood up.

(He really Can read my mind huh..) I tensed at the thought of him knowing about a certain crush I had.. but tried not to think about it so he wouldn't kn—
"I can hear your reasoning as well, and I think you should tell him; next time you see him."

(HAH. Not a chance... But at least this way I won't have to talk.. although right now I really just want to be alone and rest..)

"You wish me to leave? Oh, then, just be sure to come down for dinner." He said before he closed the door behind him.

I sighed again, and looked over at Jeff who was sitting on the floor. He stood and came to me, sitting beside me. I leaned on his shoulder and continued to sob. He wrapped his arm around me and rubbed at my back. Minutes passed; The only sounds were that of my sobbing, filling the almost deadly silent room. Then he spoke, his words spaced out carefully, and his voice husky and low;

"I don't want to say 'it's okay,' because it really isn't. It hurts. It hurts like someone is dissecting your heart into little pieces, and tearing up what's left. It hurts like your head has been crushed, but they're still hitting it with stones. Your eyes and nose are burning; and it hurts as though you're standing in Hell. And no one can say 'it's okay' and actually know the person or what they're going through." He paused. "And I don't blame you for crying, I know how it feels to lose someone close to you. I just described it to you; ...the pain."

He scooted back and leaned on the wall. He then patted his chest. (He wants me to lay on him?! WHAT THE HECK?!) He patted himself again, seeming impatient. I crawled over to him, not wanting him to be angry. I wrapped my arms around his torso, and laid my head against his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair, pressing me close to him. My sobs were quieter after that, just the occasional hiccup and sniff. I drowned myself in the sound of his heartbeat, the feeling of it thumping at my ear calmed me ever so much.. His deep voice was quiet yet again as he hugged me close to him, his chest vibrating.

"I know it's not okay. Nothing about this is 'okay.' Your eyes are burning.. your face is flushed.. your nose is runny. Your lips are trembling.. you're angry. And you're afraid. And you're sorrowful."

At his last words, he pulled me up by my waist, and shot himself forward, aiming for my mouth. He pressed his cold lips against mine, pulling me closer. I gasped at contact, and tried to get away. (WHAT THE HELL??!!) He held me in place though, not letting me move away. I tried again and again to get up, but he just wouldn't let me. He kissed me slowly, strangely passionately, for not having known me that long. I continued to cry, giving up on trying. I'd failed since I got here; why would I gain luck all of the sudden? My tears slowly stopped flowing, an acceptance filling my mind. He nibbled lightly at my lower lip, those sharp canines almost breaking skin, giving me pleasureful shivers down my spine. (Why the hell am I enjoying this?!)

I giggled as he began ticking me, just like before. I didn't want to jump away anymore though. I wanted to stay for some reason.

He parted our lips with a smile, and stroked my sides. His husky voice accommodating his hot breath coursing my skin, he spoke."I'd also really appreciate it if you'd stop crying on me," he chuckled before kissing me again, and hugging me.

I accepted his hug, but said nothing. (I never want that to happen again..)

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