(14)Is This What Death Feels Like??

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Jeff and I lay on his bed falling asleep. He was so warm, i felt lulled to sleep against him. His hot breath traveled somehow to my chest, making my heart beat faster. He soon lifted his head and smiled again.

"Someone's sleepy," I teased. He gave a small chuckle, and lay his head back down groggily. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him off me. He grunted slightly, but didn't protest. I slid myself off the bed and walked to the door again. "C'mon, let's find some breakfast!"

He ran his pale fingers through his hair, and stood. "I gotta shower first,"

"Too true."

He gave me a "Seriously?" look, and I smiled sassily. We walked out together, and separated at the bathroom. He waved slightly and closed the door.

Smiling to myself, I continued to the living room and down the hall and waltzed into the dining room and sat at the table. Ben smiled at me from across the table, and asked how I slept, a wide smile on his face. I answered simply, standing again, and headed to the fridge.

peering inside, I found nothing much but a carton of milk and what was left from last night.

A strange feeling surged through my body, sending a shiver down my spine. My stomach was churning, and a headache rose up near my temples. The room began to spin as I groaned in pain. What was happening?! I steadied my being against the door of the fridge, putting pressure to my temples. The spinning got somehow faster, and it all went dark.


I sat up against something soft, and rubbed my forehead, forcing the pain to subside. When I raised my head, I realized I was in the arms of a certain blue masked man. His muffled voice sounded in the silence of the dark room.

"Glad you're awake. Beginning to think you were dead," He chuckled then placed a hand against my forehead, and poked my nose. I shifted awkwardly at his touch, and began to stand up.

"You really should get some rest," he said plainly.

"I'll be fine! I can walk." I strode to the door in the darkness, and tripped over something furry, landing on my butt. "Ow." I gave my ankle a small glare and stood again. A light suddenly came on, blinding me slightly. I squinted at the light for a moment, and looked back to my feet.

Laying on the ground was a... thing, it was in the relative shape of a tall human, with a head of long black fur. It's face looked like it had been torn apart and sewed back together. It looked up at me and made a.. noise.. I jumped back, hitting my side on the edge of a desk. As I yelped slightly, Jack tried to calm me, but I ran for the door. The thing flung open, shooting someone in the face.

A loud groan escaped his lips as he raised a knife to my neck. "What are you doing?!" He yelled. Flustered, I stepped back, my feet unaware of their whereabouts, stepped on the toes/fingers of that thing. It snarled at me, jumping at me, opening it's sewn mouth, aiming for my face.

Jeff grabbed the thing by its neck, and held it to the floor, Jack helping. Jeff sat up and shot a glare my way. "Watch what you're doing. You could really get in trouble if you don't pay attention to your surroundings."

Seeing his point, I hung my head. I heard him sigh and stand, a slight tinge of irony striking his deep voice. It was then, when he walked to me, that I noticed his hair was wet. His arm extended to me, and wrapped my shoulders in the warmth I shared with the man that morning. He directed me to the kitchen and released me by the fridge. I noticed an awful lot of stares coming our way, and I smiled.

(They all think we're in love, don't they?) my mind giggles as I look to the male, who was simply rummaging through a few wrapped plates of lasagna. He picked one up and set it on the counter while I went to the other one. I slid myself up and sat cross legged atop the wooden space. I glanced at Jack, who was walking rather slowly into the room. It was a little unsettling.. He stopped in front of me and placed his palm against my forehead again.

"Just making sure," he said, taking his gray hand back, a glisten of worry in his tone. I smiled at him and fixed the awkward position if my hair, tucking a few stands behind my ear. It was then that I noticed Toby sitting on the floor, his silver eyes slightly worried too.

Seriously, what happened to me? I was fine a moment before, so what the Hell happened?!

Toby stood from his L sitting position, and came to the counter, sitting on it with me. His eyes traveled in my direction, and he suddenly spoke.

"It was Slender,"


_Johnnie's Point Of View_


I scrambled away as fast as I could, but the thing threw it's claws down at me, lashing at my leg. I screamed in pain as the thing's nails dug into my pale skin. The blood seeped through my black jeans as I crawled away in utter pain. The tapping of the beads hitting the floorboards was somewhat calming in contrast to the snarls of the beast. The thing bolted towards me, it's jaws wide open for a bite of my flesh.

It lunged at me and landed me on my side. My hip made a sickening cracking noise as I felt something break inside me. Never once have I ever broken a bone, this feeling made me wonder why humans are so fragile. I screamed once again as the beast dove it's head at me, landing a bite into my torso. I felt my insides rip and tear as the thing's teeth trashed about, and finally jolted to the side, making my body go flying across the hall. A shred of my flesh dangled from it's jaws as a trail of my torn intestines led to me.

Zack screamed my name and ran to the thing, the board from the window in his hand, poised to strike. The pain from my injuries was getting worse, i could feel the massive loss of blood, and even though i was laying on the floor, i was getting dizzy. I looked away from Zack and held in all sorts of noises. I whimpered as quietly as I could, and tried not to focus on my pain. It hurt so fucking bad.

Then A long stream of light came through my vision, blinding me for a moment. But then I realized it wasn't light, it was darkness. a cold feeling washed over me, and I felt somewhat alone somehow. I began to cry as it all came into place.

(Am.. Am I going to Hell? Why is there light and dark?!) I stared up at the darkness, until it was gone, and i was left laying on the floor of the old house. I saw a blurry vision of Zack running towards me. i could feel his warm palm against my neck, feeling for a pulse, and against his hand, I could feel it slowing.

"I feel a little cold..."

You can hate me.

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