(20) The Plot Thickens? Pt2

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_Y/n's Point Of View_

I searched for the familiar figures of my friends. I feel so lost, but Jeff didn't seem worried, so I kept up my pace.

"Careful," Jeff yanked me back by my shoulder, sending me crashing into him. He caught me, and I looked to my feet.

(A bear trap? I didn't think they still even made those.. Then again, it's not like people are here frequently to catch Bears— that thing could be fifty years old.)

I looked up at Jeff, his eyes filled with worry and uncertainty. "I'm okay," I said standing to my feet. He didn't let go of my hand as he walked on ahead.

"Ryuuk! Where are you two?!" Zack called, his figure facing away from me and Jeff.

"There," Jeff whispered into my ear, his warm breath against my skin both calming me, and getting me excited. His pale finger pointed to a rock in a small clearing. He yanked me again, and we ran over.

"Mave, it's okay. We can get out of this, just please stop crying," Ryan's squeaky voice tried to calm the beast that was Mavis.

I peeked around the side of the huge rock, and saw them both. Ryan was hugging Mavis tightly, patting her head. I've never seen Mavis cry before; the sight was strange and hard to comprehend. I've always seen her as the tough one, even stronger than the one that can beat up the 'though guy.' She was strong, and unmovable. Was she afraid of death? The pain of death? Or was it something else altogether?

I stepped out from hiding, and placed my hands on their shoulders. Ryan looked up startled, whereas Mavis didn't budge. "You guys, it's going to be fine. Something good will come out of this dispute, I promise."

Mavis' tear stained face rose to look me in the eyes. "What the Hell would you know? All you've done since we got here is cuddle with that thing over there!!" She pointed aggressively at Jeff.

I got angry. I knew that this whole thing was stupid, and I should just find a way out of these crazy woods, but something was keeping me from doing so. I turned back to face Jeff, my face turning an intense red color from anger. He wasn't a thing; and he was what was keeping me from leaving. He made me smile more today than anyone else had.

"He is not a 'thing.'" My voice went slightly dark, breaking when I took my hands back. "And what does it matter who I cuddle with? What—"

Mavis stood from her crouched position, and smacked me across the face. I stumbled back, bumping into Jeff.

I rubbed the sore spot, getting more agitated. She moved closer to me, grabbing my chin roughly, forcing me to look at her. "If you care so much for your freaky boyfriend, you can stay with him and rot. You can kill everyone on this planet with each other, blush on your cheeks. You can even kill me if you want; But I will never call you my friend again, not after all this. Not after that monster has corrupted you." Her face twisted into a crazed and enraged expression as she released my face from her grip. "So go get fucked by this thing. Go and live a lovely-twisted and insane life with him." She smacked me again, turning away.

"Mave! Wait! Why would you say that to her?!" Ryan ran after her, calling out and shedding tears.

"You don't have to listen to her," Jeff hugged me from behind, stroking my sides in a caring gesture.

"I know, but it made me so.. So—"

"I understand. You have no need to explain yourself. I know. I know the rage, the absolute pain that comes with the insults. It doesn't have to even be directed at me. I know how it feels."

I released a breath I wasn't aware I was holding, and began to cry again. (I hate tears. Who doesn't?)

I rubbed my cheek again, leaning away from Jeff, and walking in the direction Mavis went. I heard Zack run up behind us.

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