(9)It's Da Po Po

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_Johnnie's Point Of View_

I was at the east wall with Zack searching for some sort of entrance into the house. He was crouched down right behind me and was mumbling about something. I was getting fed up with hearing his voice.

"Will you stop?!" I whispered harshly, stopping my stride. He bumped into me and rubbed his head where his forehead connected with the chains around my thigh. He looked panicked, staring up at me.

"I'm just scared, what if they--"

"Don't think like that." I scolded. "To think, I, the Emo mess, Would be telling YOU to be more positive." I put my hands on the house and continued to feel the wall. "Dammit!" (What am I even looking for?!)

"You're right." he looked to his side, rubbing his arm. I didn't stop looking. I had to find some way inside. I needed to get to them. To Y/n. She was the only reason I was alive, I HAD to save her. No exceptions.

I continued to play with the side boards of the house, until something caught my eye. "Holy Shit-- did you call the cops?" I asked in regular volume. Zack's eyes lit up, as did the trees. Headlights of cop cars soon surrounded the whole house, enclosing us in assurance. One car rammed into a bush and let out a loud Siren sound.

(Watch where you're driving! We're in the woods for crying out fucking loud!)

I ran out from behind the house, And threw my hands up and waved them. An officer hopped out of his car and approached me with his gun in hand. Zack ran out in front of me and pointed the group of officers inside the house.

They all sprinted inside. They were in there for a little while, and Zack and I were getting worried. I bit my chipping black polished nails, waiting to see one of my friends again. An officer protruded with a rather pissed look, directed at Zack.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, boy."


_Jack's Point Of View_

I sat on the floor with Y/n. She seemed a little tired, and soon fell asleep on me. I don't want to say I was uncomfortable, but I didn't exactly know what to do with a girl sleeping on me like this. I looked up to Jeff, who was staring at us, and asked If he'd take her. He obliged.

I watched as Jeff wrapped his arms around her waist, and lift her off the floor. He started to head up the stairs with her but--

"Jeff, wait!" L.J's British voice whispered loudly. "The Po Po are here again." Just after his words was a Loud siren sound.

"Fuck!! Seriously?!" Jeff whined, stepping back down to the rest of us. The girl's friends looked excited to be saved. I Placed my hand on the other girl's shoulder. She seemed just as calm thanks to Slender.

"You do realize, you're coming with us, right?" Her brown eyes eyes widened and she stood up crying about not wanting to be there with us. The boy chimed in too, whining about his dog, and 'who'll take care of her?!'

Slender extended his tendrils around all of us. "This is getting annoying." We were swallowed in Slender's darkness as we teleported away.

I stood up in a completely different room, and headed for my old room and hung my head, passing the girl and boy. I sighed, stepping in, and closing the door behind me. I thought of that little glass figurine I saved for her. She was so happy it was okay, she wasn't scared of me. I even took off my mask. She was something else.

_Jeff's Point Of View_

I carried that girl down the halls of the backup house, and entered the room I stayed in last time this happened. She was a little heavier than before when I held her up in the woods and in the mansion.. I set her down on my bed, and tucked her in.

She shifted under the covers and moaned slightly. I looked at her in awe. She was honestly strong. I had such a struggle keeping her in my grasp before. I brushed her bangs out of her eyes, and looked into her face. I don't think she qualified as pretty but she was close.

"Go to sleep.." I whispered, stroking her (hair details lol) hair. She was so vulnerable. I could just--

O_O I stood up. (The Fuck am I doing?!) Scoffing at myself, I lay down on the floor, and wait for morning to come.


I'm just too hot for 'em B)

xD Syonara~!

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