(4)They Found Us

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I started running with Zack leading. Our footsteps sounded loud in the quiet forest surrounding the old house. We ran and ran, but didn't seem to go anywhere. I turned around, which I should not have done. To meet my gaze was--

"AHH!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at the feel of hands grabbing me and holding me down. I was thrown to the ground and landed on my back, knocking the wind out of me. I felt the hands grab me again and hold me up. I looked into the eyes of the Devil as he lifted me up off the ground, leaving Zack to run on alone.

It was a man, probably a little older than me, with wide blue eyes circled with black rings, and a smile-type thing that seemed to have been carved into his face. Blood dripped from the slightly scaring open wound. His skin was paper white, and looked rough and decaying. His Raven hair stuck up in every known direction, covering part of his insane face. I tried to scream, but I had no air in my lungs, I could only gasp for more.

"Typical." The man scoffed, tightening his pale fingers' grip on my hoodie.

I tried screaming again, hoping someone would hear me. I thrashed about, hoping this guy would drop me. A lot of hope, No dice. The man put his free hand over my mouth, and leaned closer to me, making me want to cry.

"Will you shut up already," He yawned, revealing Insanely sharp canine teeth.(WHAT??) I drew my arms around his sleeve and tried to yank his arm away, once again, No dice.

"Jeff!!" i heard a guy call, his voice cracking. A boy, probably a little younger than me, ran up to us. "We have the others," he panted from his sprint, his brown hair slipping out from under a pair of goggles and falling over his gray eyes. It turns we got a pretty long distance away from the house.

I tightened my grip on the guys arm and tried to yank it away again and--How many times am i gonna fail today, huh?

"Alright, help me with this one. She's a little rebellious." Said the man, turning me over to the boy. He surprisingly had a good grip on me as i was clutched be yet another set of hands. i tried once more to break free of their grasp. And failed. Again.

He led me into the house and directed me to a couch. I sat without struggle seeing my friends were sitting there as well. I was placed between Johnnie, and Ryuuk. Mavis sat on the end next to Ryuuk, and was arguing loudly with some blond kid about Legend of Zelda.

i turned to Johnnie, who was picking at his Get Scared shirt hem. (Is he crying??)

"Alright you two, Knock it off."


So short...

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