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My e/c eyes shot up at the sound of the deep voice. It sounded like it was inside my head almost. I looked around and found what it was really coming from. Yes, "What." Standing just behind me and my friends, was a tall figure, that wore a suit, and .. didn't exactly have a .. face.. Instead of eyes was a blank white canvas, and as for his other would-be-features.. they were the same.

The tall thing stepped toward the blond boy and my friend. It crossed it's arms.

"Sorry, Slendy," Said the boy. "I guess i got carried away," He didn't look like he meant what he said, I'll tell you that. 0_o The boy began walking away down a hall I hadn't noticed.

"Now, As for you four," Said the thing walking in front of the couch. His "face" loomed over us, casting a shadow from the light in the hall. It seemed to scowl despite the lack of features.

I distracted myself by looking around the room, instantly regretting that decision. Surrounding me and my friends were faces and masks of horrifying figures. The man that grabbed me looked even creepier in the light. Not to mention, the freaky looking black and white Clown in the corner. There was a man with a white mask with black feminine features, another man with a black pullover mask with red eyes and a frown sewn on. I shivered at the sight of them all...

"What did you think you would have found here?" The tall thing asked, snapping my attention back to it.

Mavis was the one to speak. "A ghost or some druggies," I resisted the urge to laugh, and looked back to Johnnie as he sniffled. He really was crying... I put my hand on his shoulder, and he seemed to calm.

"Do you know who we are?" Said the thing.

"No, why would we?!" Mavis yelled and crossed her arms. The thing turned it's back to us and huffed.

"I didn't expect you to." It stated plainly. "Toby, take them to the seller. I will deal with them as soon as this headache subsides," The thing pressed it's hand to his forehead.

"Yes s-sir." Said the boy who dragged me inside. He stepped up to us and grabbed us by the shoulders, and led us away.


"I'm just worried. He didn't even come into the house with us! I'm WORRIED." I said as tears streamed down my face. It was true. Zack hadn't come into the house when Toby dragged me inside. I hadn't said anything, for fear of them finding him later. Mavis has been trying to calm me down ever since they locked us down here.

"Just stop. There's nothing we can do, so shut up." Said the ever enthusiastic Johnnie. His hand trailed down his face and looped back up to his forehead and he sighed. "Does anyone happen to have any poison on them?" He chuckled, and began singing quietly to himself, like he always did went he didn't know what to do, or was super nervous.

"I never should've listened to Zack, All he ever does is get us in trouble.. Remember the cat?!" Ryuuk sat across the space of the room, and pouted.

(What the Hell can I do to get out of here??) I looked around the place and tried not to focus on Zack, wherever he is, dead or alive, he's not here, And that's progress from our perspective.

A-and don't worry. The cat's fine now.

I haven't changed anything from the version on Quotev. It's the same on there.
I don't know why I had the urge to say that lol

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