(25) Morning Kisses

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This is my lemon attempt x.x I've never written a lemon before.. so yeah it's all REALLY BAD

_Jeff's Point Of View_

I sat on the couch and waited for my Y/n to come back from checking on her friend. I watched the tv silently as Ben played Minecraft. My mind however was unamused, and I began to think of Y/n.

My sweet Y/n..

I thought about her eyes again. Those big e/c eyes that captured my attention. Those e/c eyes that threatened and loved. She looked amazing when she killed. There's no other way of putting it.

Y/n was perfect.

I thought back at the house of that couple.

I yanked the man onto the floor, then crouched down and whispered my saying into his ear.

"Go To Sleep."

As soon as my words were out, I began stabbing him. I thrusted my knife in and out of his chest multiple times, and when I was finished, I wrote those words on the wall with the man's blood, stabbing at the wallpaper and streaking it with red. I looked over at my Y/n. Her expression was curious, not afraid. Her eyes were wondrous, and captured... She wasn't scared of me..

That's when I knew you were the one, my Y/n. No one has ever witnessed me kill and not be afraid of me. You were perfect.

Utterly perfect.

Speak of the She-devil, here that beautiful woman is! Y/n walked over and sat next to me, leaning her head against my chest. I tried to keep my heart rate down, but I knew it was going a little too fast. I wrapped my arm around her, and kissed her head.

"So was everything okay with your friend?" I asked. I didn't really care, but I felt like I needed to ask.

She didn't answer with words, only shrugged, then buried her face into my chest. (God she is Something else. No other human on this retched planet is anything like her. Oh, Y/n, I love you.)

_Y/n's Point Of View_

"So, was everything okay with your friend?" Jeff asked me. I didn't know how to answer, so I simply shrugged, and snuggled him more.

(It's getting late, I'm getting tired..)

"Hey, I'm gonna go to bed.. Night." I kissed his cheek, and stood to leave, only he followed me.

"Jeff, what are you doing? Oh lemme guess, you wanna sleep with me," I leaned against the frame of my door, and smiled naughtily at him. His cheeks were pink, but he gave me the same expression.

"I don't see why I can't," he said placing his arm over my head and leaning down to be eye level with me. I smiled up at him, and pushed at his chest.

"I love ya, but Hell no," I giggled and closed my door. Sitting on my bed, I heard him scoff.


_Later That Night_

I shot up in cold sweat. From My mouth emanated strange whimpering that I've never heard myself make before. I was breathing heavily, and clutched at my chest for support.

My dream. My dream was terrible. It was Mavis. She came back and tried to kill me again. I croaked a sob, and wished I hadn't come on that ghost hunt. I know that I'm happier now that I have a cutie like Jeff, but the pain that's in my chest hurts more than he can simply kiss away. I wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted to sit with Zack and Ry at the little picnic table during lunch. I wanted to go over Johnnie's and play video games until two in the morning again. I wanted to annoy Zack about his love for Twister. I wanted to talk with Mavis, and smile with her, I wanted her not to have hated me. I wanted my friends back.

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