(22) Flirter

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After dinner, me Jeff and I headed upstairs, and I followed him into his room. Which was ironically the one across from mine— the one with the black door. The boy closed the door behind us, and sat on the bed next to me. I stared into his eyes, getting lost in their beauty. His fingers began tracing my face, gliding down my chin, and up to my lips in a rather sensual way. (I'm a little afraid right now..)

He kissed my lips, and crawled fully onto his bed.

"Hey, Jeff?" I asked, scooting over to see his face.

"Yes, my Y/n?"

(Uhmm... that nickname is kinda cute coming from him..but it's still.. early.) I giggled for his sake, and asked my question.

"Earlier, Slender wanted to talk to you.. What was it about?"

".. Well.. let's just say I wasn't thinking about you in a very... Modest way.."

"Why you Perverted little—" (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!)

Chuckling, He cut me off with a kiss, and laid back down. "I was only thinking that way because I love you.." he looked guilty somehow, but I ignored that, and drowned in the words he'd said.

'I love you'
I doubt it was true love; We had only met not a week ago. But, I didn't want to hurt him, so I complied, and said it back. Though in a more joking tone.

"Aw, I love you too, you crazy." I kissed his head kindly, and stood to leave. "See you tomorrow!" I chirped awkwardly before closing the door.

His muffled voice sounded from behind the door, "G'night, my Y/n!"

I shook my head and smiled to myself, heading for my room, running into Zack on my way out.

"Night, Zack!" I patted his shoulder, and passed him, opening my door.

"Y/n, Wait!" His hand poked my shoulder.

"What is it?"

He handed me a piece of paper, and told me it was from Slender, and to read it before going to sleep. He hugged me and told me goodnight, walking back to his room.

I sat on my bed and opened the paper. It read as follows;

My dear child,

I understand that today you killed for the first time, but I would appreciate it if you would consider choosing a Proxy to accommodate on one of their kills. I feel it would increase your ability and will. You may go on as many kills as you wish with them until you feel you are ready to take a kill list on your own. In my personal opinion, I think that Toby would be the best choice, but it is entirely up to you, Y/n. I will watch over you in case something happens, so do not worry about your safety to a great degree.

I am not forcing you, child, I wish the best for my children, however this must be done; I will make it so, at most, by the end of this month.

Goodnight, Y/n


I set the letter on my nightstand, and lay my head down. (A bit bossy, but I think that's I good idea. I could use the exercise; I've done nothing but sit on my butt for the past few days.)


_The next Morning_

I awoke with a hand woven into my hair. It caressed the back of my head, and coursed through the length of my h/c locks. I didn't want to move so he wouldn't know I was awake. I didn't want him to stop. but then..

"My silly Y/n, I know you're awake." Jeff chuckled, leaning down to kiss my head. "I love you." He whispered.

"Oh— uh.. I love you too, Jeff." I sat up groggily. He smiled and continued playing with my hair. He looked so happy at that moment, the emotion was catching. I couldn't stop the wide smile from creeping onto my lips, and stood up. (Maybe he's not so incredibly bad..)

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