(11)Tried to catch some fog earlier... I mIsT xD

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My eyes slowly peeped open. A ray of sunlight flashed in my face, making me flinch. i opened my eyes further, and sat up. I was lying in a bed in a room I didn't recognize. I turned to the window and shrieked.

To meet my gaze was the boy with the cut smile. He turned to me, letting go of the curtains and glaring at me. I flinched slightly but didn't look away. He stepped toward me, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's your fault I got a headache," He growled. I straightened my back and stared at him. His expression grew more and more hateful.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said, not knowing what else to do. He shifted his weight, lifting his legs up onto the bed, slipping them underneath him. His knee hit mine, and I flinched again.

"It's fine." He Said plainly, a hint of anger still in his tone.


A few awkward minutes past, just the two of us staring at each other. It was weird and creepy how he didn't blink.. He stood suddenly, and walked to the door, putting his hand on the knob. The short blond boy walked in when he opened it.

"So," He said, putting his hands on his hips.

"So what, you moron? What are you doing in my room?" the man shifted his weight, and crossed his arms, a pissed look residing on his face. The blond smirked.

"Is she comfortable?"

"I don't see why she wouldn't be."

"I mean, I'd a little uncomfy if there were a dude with a messed up face coming all close to me and... stuff.."

"Excuse you. I am beautiful, you asshole,"

The two continued to say odd things to each other and i sat there wondering if there was a way around them. i looked to the open door. Not an option, they'd catch me. The window? Not enough time. Maybe if I was left alone for a bit, but I don't see that happening.

The boys were now in heated conversation, almost yelling. I rolled my eyes at the childlike behavior, and stealthily inched for the window. (Maybe I do have enough time?)

I slid my fingers onto the sill and flipped the old looking lock as quietly as I could, not that, much noise would interrupt what was going on by the door. I slid the window up some, then a little more, until it was well open enough for me to climb through.

I lifted my leg up to the sill, and climbed through the space. My shoe made squeaking noises as I did so. I assumed the boys would have caught me by now, but they just kept arguing about their looks.

Once I was outside, i booked it. I don't know where I was headed, but I was going to get there fast. My feet slammed down on the damp ground, splashing water droplets on my pant legs. Ahead of me, A long stretch of empty space, separating me from a forest. As the trees stretched up, my eyes lost the tips in the mist.

I finally reached the woods, turning around and watching for the boys. I saw neither.

I sighed in relief, and leaned against a tree, catching my breath. (That was way too easy. I need to get a move on.. Oh- Wait, Mavis and Ryan--Ryuuk!! I need to get back there! wait, they'll catch me.. No. I need to save them.) I argued with myself for a minute, but decided to head back and get my friends out of there.

Turning on my heel, I started towards the house. (I don't remember there being this much space between the house and the woods.. And now that I see it like this, this is definitely not the same house at all.. So are are we?...) I looked up to the sky, the clouds coming overhead quick. I stumbled as i reached the house, placing my hand on the side of it roughly. I peeped in through the window, seeing the two boys still arguing, I cracked a smile.

I sneaked past i and headed for the front of the building. It was getting a little hard to see because of the fog rolling in all of the sudden, but I staggered my way to a porch. I stepped up, and looked through the picture window.

(They're okay!!) I saw my two friends sitting at a table playing cards with the creepy people. Each person had three cards in their hand...



I scurried my way back to the room where the boys were fighting, and climbed back in. I stepped back to the bed, sitting down, then the one with the smile turned to me and asked if he was beautiful or not.

"You don't have to answer that, We all know the answer anyways," Said the blond, walking over to me. He smiled, and sat next to me on the bed. "So," His head tilted, and he laughed some. "We didn't exactly get off on the right foot, I'm Ben." he held out his hand, poised to shake.

"Y/n," I grasped it gently, and he shook. We looked at each other for a moment before Mr. GrumpSmile mumbled something.

"At least I'm not five one.."

Ben whipped his head in the other boys direction, and began yelling. Mind you, his hand was still in mine. The smiling boy stood there laughing as Ben tried to insult him, only making me laugh as well.

Amongst my giggles, i managed a sentence. "Why do I feel like a babysitter?"

The two immediately stopped arguing, and turned to me with slight shades of pink on their cheeks. The smiling boy pouted. "Don't even start with me. I was the one who had to make sure you didn't sneak out."

Ben smiled. "Oh, yeah, by the way, She went out trough the window while you were complaining about your ugly mug."

"... I don't even care anymore!" He facepalmed, and began to walk out the door.

Ben put his hand on his shoulder. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself to the lady?"

Rolling his eyes, he yawned, "Jeff. And I already know your name, so don't bother telling me."

I frowned, then smiled again. What's wrong with me? i honestly should have just run. Why am I back here? i could have easily gotten help. So why?


1,079 words

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