Headcannons pt 2

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🌸 She likes to have movie nights at her house and let's you stay the night because she gets lonely when her parents aren't home.

🌸 She refuses to let you buy anything for her because she feels bad that she couldn't get you anything .

🌸 She's pretty chill most of the time but she blushes very easily when you kiss the blush marks on her face.


❤️She is a little spoon .

❤️She likes it when you lay on her while cuddling.

❤️She likes it when you play with her hair after she washes it.


🐸When you both started dating you had to kiss her first because she was afraid you'd think her tongue was weird.

🐸She likes cuddling ,she's a big spoon because she likes to hold you close and nuzzle into your warmth.

🐸She loves to go to a nearby park with you but a few times she had to take her siblings because they wanted to come too.


🎧She likes it when you play with her earphones when your cuddling.

🎧She really likes it when you sing to when she's sad because she finds your voice really calming and comforting.


👽 Mina clings to people when she's scared so when you both walk the dorms and denim jumpscares you both Mina will jump into your arms instantly.

👽 She puffs up her cheeks when she's frustrated eg. studying for a test so she likes it when you poke her cheek and she'll deflate them and take a break.


🐰 She switches between big spoon and little spoon but she prefers big spoon so she can hold you and it reassures her that you're still there and safe.

🐰 I have a weak theory that if you scratch miruko behind her ear one of her feet will thump .

🐰 She likes to kiss your jawline while cuddling


😜 When she hugs you from behind she'll bury her face into your clothes so she can inhale your scent.

😜 I feel like she'd love holding your hands so she always has her hand in yours.


💙 She's very forward with how she feels and what she wants to do .

💙 She likes to switch between big and little spoon .


⚙️ I feel like she would smell like oil because she works with machines .

⚙️ She wears her hair in dreadlocks so she'd make you sit down and either do your hair or make you do hers.

Ms Joke

😂 As a pro hero I think she would go to primary schools and talk to little kids and every now and then she'd get fanart and little homemade gifts and she'd get really happy and excited and can't wait bring them home and show them all to you.

😂 She still fangirls over Aizawa and loves to unknowingly annoy him with you.


🔪 She's EXTREMELY clingy to you and calls you mine ,she's like a koala bear clingy and dangerous.

🔪 She's a big spoon.

🔪 She can't cook very well so she asks kurogiri to teach her do when you come to visit she has something prepared for you majority of the time it's burnt .

Hey lads
Sorry it's been a while both my motivation and creativity have been ringed dry so yeah 😬

~ E n j o y ~

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