They Meet Your Ex pt 1

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Name: Suoh Megami Personality: Quiet, Laid-back , monotone

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Name: Suoh Megami
Personality: Quiet, Laid-back , monotone.
Quirk: Bubblegum
The still friends ex.

- Uraraka will respect her in a way because she was your first girlfriend.

- BUT Uraraka won't trust her entirely because she's afraid you'll want to go back to Megami.

- She will hold your hand and be polite to her .

- She'll hold a conversation and answer her questions .

- She'll wonders why you broke up but doesn't question it.

- She'll start out being insecure but she ends up being friends with Megami .

- She likes her and thinks she should join you , her and the girls on a day out.


Name: Aoi SakuraPersonality: Intelligent , flirtatious , Respectful

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Name: Aoi Sakura
Personality: Intelligent , flirtatious , Respectful .
Quirk: IQ enhancement.
The flirtatious ex.

- Sakura will flirt with Momo and compliment her "attributes".

- Momo will admire her intelligence and respectfulness after getting hit on.

- Will shake her head and chuckle politely at Sakura's cheesy pick up lines .

- Will blush when she asks her out on a date.

- Will have a new number one her phone at the end of the day.

- Momo thinks she's nice and that you three should hang out again.


Name: Morinosuka AmaiPersonality: honest, tsundere ,rude

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Name: Morinosuka Amai
Personality: honest, tsundere ,rude.
Quirk: Pyrokenesis
The salty ex.

- Will ignore Amai's insults towards her and subtly burn her when she insults you .

- Her chin will stay on your shoulder and her arms will stay wrapped safely around your waist.

- Will have fierce comebacks .

- Amai will admire her in a way but will stay salty.

- She'll stay calm through it all and be surprised when Amai speaks her mind and apologises.

- The two will shake hands and go there separate ways.

- Tsu thinks she's ok but she reminds her of bakugo and she doesn't want them to meet EVER.


Name: Fujioka AyanoPersonality: Girly, Cheerful , sweet

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Name: Fujioka Ayano
Personality: Girly, Cheerful , sweet.
Quirk: Siren.
The girl to gossip with ex.

- She won't engage conversation with Ayano because she feels slightly insecure.

- Will just nod or shake her head to answer her questions .

- She'll have her arm around your waist the entire time.

- She'll be kinda interested by her quirk and ask a few questions about music and her favourite bands .

- Won't feel as insecure at the end of it all but will end up as mild aquaintences with her .

- She thinks she's nice and that she reminds her of Mina in a way.


Name: Osori HanakoPersonality: Tsundere , Stubborn , Vain

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Name: Osori Hanako
Personality: Tsundere , Stubborn , Vain.
Quirk: Mega Jump
The denying ex .

- She'll be super excited to me her at first .

- But will be confused when Hanako says that you both are still together.

- Mina will put her down gently when she explains to her that you and Hanako aren't dating anymore.

- Meme queen will ROAST this bitch when she starts to insult her .

- She'll send her storming off in the other direction while Mina gives a royal wave .

- Mina thinks she's fun to roast and that she has funny reactions .

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