Their Favourite Features pt 2

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Your Wolf features

She loves to stroke your ears and play with your tail even though she never lets you. She loves the colour , th e soft and silkiness of your animal features and will always play with them if she's stressed .


She loves how awkward you are compared to her it just makes her laugh to see you struggle . She finds it adorable though so don't feel bad.


Your laugh

She absolutely adores making you laugh because you rarely do it that's why Camie always has fresh memes waiting for you if you're sad.

It's honestly music to her ears and it makes her giggle at how cute and angelic it is .

Your temper

She loves it when you show your temper because she thinks you look really cute when your mad . She enjoys teasing you and your cousin especially when you both meet up and he's there it's really amusing to her.



This girl SWOONS when you smile she thinks it's so pretty and that everyone should see it. Seeing you smile makes her smile especially when it's a genuine one.

She also finds it REALLY attractive when you grin or smirk and of course she'll tell you that straight up .


She loves how affectionate you are towards people you really care about and she feels honoured that she's one of them . And the fact that your really friendly even thought your exterior says otherwise makes you more interesting to her .She just wants people to see the kind person people don't see.



She loves kissing your nose and the way you scrunch it up when she does makes her fall head over heels for you. She also loves how it goes light pink if your cold and the way it just ties your whole face together.


She loves teasing you about your shyness . She thinks it's a big part of your personality and how you try to work on it . It shows your vulnerability and modesty which she loves to see .

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