Mei X Reader: When she loved me

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This wasn't requested but I just feel in a sad mood so yeah.

3rd POV

Today was the day .

The day she died , your beloved Yuri's anniversary.

You were in a happy healthy relationship with Mei and you loved her with all your heart but you can't just forgot about Yuri.

You sighed shakily as you looked through old photos of you and her .

You were sat on your bed leaned against the wall with tear streaks roaming down your face .

You quietly sobbed in your room until you heard a knock at your door.

"Hey snuggle bug I came over to check on you , you haven't answered any of my calls and i-" she didn't finish as she saw your teary face and the pictures on your bed.

"H-Hey Mei I'm sorry I just lost track of time and uh.." you sniffed rubbing your eyes holding back more incoming tears.

Mei stared at your broken state before closing the door behind her and sitting down next to you.

"C'mon (Y/N) , let it all out " she said in a soft tone as she pulled you closer.

You didn't hold back tears flooded out if your eyes and sobs escaped your lips as you cried into the pinkette's tank top as you held fistfuls if the fabric.

Mei raked her fingers through your hair and rubbed your back.

You eventually simmered down and let out deep shaky breaths .

"You wanna talk about it?" Mei asked .

Your throat went dry so you nodded in response before talking a deep breath.

"S-She was too good to be true , she was so kind ,caring , she respected my decisions and she was there when I needed her most. She was selfless and always put me first "

You paused for several seconds and exhaled a shaky breath.

"She was shy and pushed me away at first but I only got more attracted to her , she would try be cruel to me to avoid me but she ended up breaking and apologized she didn't want to but she didn't want to hurt me and leave me behind "

"S-She hid the fact that she was dying for two years , s-she didn't want me to worry she wanted me to focus on getting into U.A s-she lied to my face for months"

"She broke up with me several minutes before she died in that hospital bed , s-she had the audacity to apologize for being sick!"

"She didn't deserve her ending but the thing is she was fine with it , she held my hand and reassured me like I was the one dying s-she.."

You stayed silent more a moment before continuing.

"S-she left behind audio recordings for everyone it's her asking me about my day and how I am a-and.."

Tears return to your eyes as you clenched onto Mei's shirt .

"I-I miss her so much" you cry.

"I know (Y/N) and I know I'm not one to usually say this kinda stuff but she's always gonna be there for you. She wouldn't want you to be sad cause that's what she tried to avoid"

"But she as well as I want you to be you cause that's who we fell madly in love with, so let it all out cause I'm always here to listen" Mei finished as she held you closer as you began sobbing into her neck.

Mei looked up to see a transparent girl with soft features and teared filled eyes wings sprouted out her back .

She wiped away her tears and smiled at the pinkette "looks like she doesn't need me as her guardian angel anymore"

"Take good care of her Mei for me please"

Mei nodded and hugged you tighter as she closed her eyes.

Before opening them back up to see where the transparent girl once was gone .

bruh I tried TwT

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