Mina X fem Reader lemon 🍋

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Warning lemon 🍋, also you both are 18 cause ... Yeah★

3rd POV

You and Mina were at the mall walking around hand in hand window shopping before the two of you decided to go into a shop and look.

As the pop music filled your ears Mina was gone she had gotten lost into the world of fashion once again.

You giggle before you let out a small sigh as you ventured through the large store to find your girlfriend.

You scanned the rails while you slowly made your way through until you suddenly trip on a toy car left there by a child .

You shut your eyes waiting to hit the cold hard floor but it never came . You felt a hand on your wrist you open your eyes only to be greeted with a complete stranger .

You steady yourself before taking a good look at your saviour . He had floppy brown hair , tanned skin and bright blue eyes , he had a small scar across the bridge of his nose .

You were snapped out of your tranced when you felt a hand on your shoulder making you flinch.

The boy gave you a closed eye grin and pointed at the white board in his hand .

Hello I am Josuke . Are you ok? I saw you fall

You finished reading the board before smiling and looking back up at him with a look of sympathy as he offers you the board and points to his ears.

I'm ok thank you for catching me .

He read the board again and smiled at you before taking it back quickly scribbling on the board .

That's good . You are really cute will u like to hang out?

He gave you a innocent grin which made you feel even worse as you shake your head and write on the board .

I like girls and I'm already in a relationship so I can't sorry .

You watch his expression fall for a moment before he scribbles on the board again.

That's okay I support you I hope you have a good day .

And with that he turned away giving you a small wave before exiting the shop .

You give a sad sigh and continue to look for your pink girlfriend.

Eventually you found Mina but she somehow left the shop without you seeing .

She spots you at the corner of her eye and smiles before skipping back over to you with a bag in her hand .

"Hey cutie ! Sorry I ran off , wanna go get some food shopping would sure tire you out?" Mina asked a smile tracing her face.

"Okay but don't do that again please " you reply smiling as Mina laces her fingers through yours and grins.

"Great so I was thinking we could go to the changing rooms and try on some clothes after we eat?" She suggests .

You nod willingly as your pink girlfriend laughs and drags you to the food court.


After the delicious food you both got to the changing rooms which were surprisingly empty.

After trying on a few clothes and having a few laughs . Mina picked up her bag and happily entered and locked the door to the changing room .

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